Exodus 21:12-21

Exodus 21:12-21 MSG

“If someone hits another and death results, the penalty is death. But if there was no intent to kill—if it was an accident, an ‘act of God’—I’ll set aside a place to which the killer can flee for refuge. But if the murder was premeditated, cunningly plotted, then drag the killer away, even if it’s from my Altar, to be put to death. “If someone hits father or mother, the penalty is death. “If someone kidnaps a person, the penalty is death, regardless of whether the person has been sold or is still held in possession. “If someone curses father or mother, the penalty is death. “If a quarrel breaks out and one hits the other with a rock or a fist and the injured one doesn’t die but is confined to bed and then later gets better and can get about on a crutch, the one who hit him is in the clear, except to pay for the loss of time and make sure of complete recovery. “If a slave owner hits a slave, male or female, with a stick and the slave dies on the spot, the slave must be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he’s not to be avenged—the slave is the owner’s property.

Exodus 21 ಓದಿ

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