Yon 3

Yesu beleŋ Nikodemusya mere tiyaryum
1Be, Yuda marte doyaŋ mar buda bana goŋ niŋ al kura deŋembe Nikodemus goyen hinhin. Al gobe Farisi mar al. 2Yeŋ beleŋ wawuŋ kurare kura Yesu hitte waŋbe, “Rabai, gebe al saba yird yird al, irde Al Kuruŋ beleŋ gad gerke wayaŋ yeŋ nurde hite. Al kura Al Kuruŋya ma hiriryeŋbe mata tiŋeŋ kurayen kurayen ge beleŋ irde ha gayen epte ma iryeŋ,” inyiŋ. 3Irkeb Yesu beleŋ wol heŋbe, “Fudinde wor po ginhem. Al kura sopte ma kawaŋ hiyyeŋbe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yirde hi bana goŋ epte ma hiyeŋ,” inyiŋ. 4Irkeb Nikodemus goreb, “Goyenbe al salanŋeŋ hitiŋbe daha mat sopte kawaŋ hiyyeŋ? Daha matbe miliŋ biŋde hurkuŋ sopte kawaŋ hiyyeŋ? Epte moŋ!” inyiŋ. 5Irkeb wol heŋbe, “Fudinde wor po ginhem. Al kura mata buluŋmiŋ yubul teŋ fe po baptais tiyyeŋ, irde Holi Spirit tiyyeŋ al gobe epte al gergeŋ sopte kawaŋ hitiŋ yara hiyyeŋ. Munaŋ gwahade ma tiyyeŋbe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yirde hi bana goŋ epte ma hurkuyeŋ. 6Albe miliŋ biŋde mat kawaŋ heŋ haŋyen. Gega kawaŋ hitiŋ mar gobe Holi Spirit beleŋ po gab Al Kuruŋ diliŋde al gergeŋ yiryeŋ. 7Sopte kawaŋ hawayiŋ ginhem gake hurkuŋkat ma tiyayiŋ. 8Meŋe migiriŋbe nurde hityen gega, meŋe gobe gwaha mat waŋ goŋ kwa yeŋ ma po nurde hityen. Niŋgeb Holi Spirit beleŋ gergeŋ yiryeŋ mar goyen wor megen niŋ mar beleŋ epte ma al gwahade yeŋ bebak tinayiŋ,” inyiŋ. 9Gwaha inkeb Nikodemus beleŋ, “Mere yeŋ ha gobe daha mat forok yiyyeŋ?” inyiŋ.
10Irkeb wol heŋbe, “Gebe Israel mar saba yird yird al gega, dahade niŋgeb merene gayen bebak ma teŋ ha? 11Fudinde wor po gineŋ hime. Neŋbe saba fudinde yeŋ nurde hityen goke tagalde hityen. Irde mata fudinde dilniniŋde yeneŋ hityen goke tagalde hityen. Goyenpoga deŋbe mereniniŋ goyen fudinde yeŋ ma nurde haŋyen. 12Nebe igiŋ bebak tinayiŋ mat po megen gar mata forok yeŋ haŋyen goyen yade saba dirde himyen gega, deŋbe fudinde yeŋ ma nurde haŋyen. Niŋgeb Al Kuruŋ hire gor niŋ mata forok yeŋ haŋyen gore saba dirmekeb daha mat fudinde yenayiŋ? Epte moŋ geb. 13Al kura Al Kuruŋ hire gor kura ma hurkuriŋ. Goyenbe ne Al Urmiŋ gayen ga po gab Al Kuruŋya heŋ gor mat katmiriŋ. Niŋgeb Al Kuruŋyen gasuŋde niŋ mata goyen igiŋ tagaltek hime. 14Mose beleŋ sawsawa po kuruŋ naŋa bana goŋ Israel marya hinhanya baras ain beleŋ po kunere toneŋ irde he hende kerde isaŋ hiriŋ. Niŋgeb ne Al Urmiŋ gayen wor Al Kuruŋ beleŋ gwaha po niryeŋ. 15Gogab ne neneŋbe al tumŋaŋ ne niŋ dufaymiŋ saŋiŋ irde Al Kuruŋya hugiŋeŋ hinayiŋ.
16“Al Kuruŋbe megen niŋ alya bereya gayen bubulkuŋne wor po yeŋ nurd yuneŋbe Urmiŋ uŋkureŋ muŋ goyen basiŋa ma irdeb yunyiŋ. Niŋgeb al kura Urmiŋ goke dufaymiŋ tareŋ iryeŋ al gobe hugiŋeŋ kamde kamdere ma kuŋbe Al Kuruŋya hugiŋeŋ hiriryeŋ. 17Al Kuruŋbe alya bereya gayen merem yaŋ yire yeŋ ma Urmiŋ teŋ kerke katyiŋ. Gwaha titŋeŋbe Urmiŋ beleŋ meteŋ tiyyeŋ go hende alya bereya yumulgaŋ tiyyeŋ yeŋ Urmiŋ teŋ kerke katyiŋ. 18Niŋgeb al kura Urmiŋ goke dufaymiŋ tareŋ iryeŋbe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ merem yaŋ ma yiryeŋ. Munaŋ al kura Al Kuruŋ Urmiŋ goke dufaymiŋ saŋiŋ ma iryeŋ al gobe Urmiŋ uŋkureŋ muŋ goke hekkeŋ ma nuryeŋ geb, bikkeŋ merem yaŋ irtiŋ hiyeŋ. 19Be, merem yaŋ yird yird gote miŋbe gahade: hulsi kura Al Kuruŋ beleŋ teŋ kerke megen gar wayyiŋ. Goyenbe albe mata buluŋ po teŋ haŋyen geb, kidoma bana po hitek yirkeb hulsi niŋ amaŋeŋ ma nurde haŋyen. 20Niŋgeb mata buluŋ teŋ haŋ marbe hulsi niŋ igiŋ ma nurde haŋ. Moŋgo hulsire forok yeteke mata buluŋniniŋ kawan henayiŋ yeŋbe hulsire watek ma yirde hiyen. 21Goyenpoga al kura mata igiŋ igiŋ fudinde po teŋ hi al gobe hulsire forok yeŋ hiyen. Gogab mata teŋ hiyen kuruŋ gobe Al Kuruŋyen dufay po gama irde teŋ hi goyen kawan hekeb al hoyaŋ beleŋ kennayiŋ,” inyiŋ.
Yon Baptais beleŋ Yesu niŋ kawan po tagalyiŋ
22Be, go kamereb Yesuya komatmiŋya gobe Yerusalem taun go tubul teŋ Yudia naŋa bana goŋ niŋ tiyuŋ hoyaŋyaŋ hoyaŋyaŋ kwamiŋ. Irde goŋ naŋa fay budam ma heŋya alya bereya baptais yiryiŋ. 23Be, goya goyenbe Yon Baptaisbe Salim tiyuŋ bindere Ainon gor al baptais yirtek fe igiŋde wor po hinhin. Niŋgeb gor alya bereya turte waŋ hikeb baptais yirde hinhin. 24Yon go gwaha teŋ hinhin gobe fere teŋ koyare ma keramiŋya teŋ hinhin.
25Be, Yonyen komatyabe Yuda al kura goya yende matare ig uliŋ teŋ teŋ mataya fe baptais niŋ kadom mohoŋde tiyamiŋ. 26Gwaha teŋ Yon hitte waŋbe, “Rabai, Yodan fe ward iroŋ geya hinaruŋ al gobe al baptais yirde hi. Irkeb al tumŋaŋ yeŋ hitte kuŋ haŋ,” inamiŋ. 27Irkeb Yon beleŋ wol heŋbe, “Albe mali mali ma meteŋ tinayiŋ. Al Kuruŋ beleŋ meteŋ yuntiŋ goyen po tinayiŋ. 28Haŋkapyabe, ‘Nebe Mesaia moŋ. Nebe yeŋ ge teŋ meheŋ heŋ wamiriŋ,’ dineŋ hinhem goyen deŋbe nurde haŋ. 29Al kura bere mekerd unke tewe yeŋ bere gote yare kuyeŋ. Irkeb al gote kadombe waŋ bere tiyyeŋ al gote yare heŋ al goya beremya mulgaŋ heŋ waŋ waŋ ge doyaŋ hiyyeŋ. Irdeb al go waŋ mere tike nurdeb amaŋ hiyyeŋ. Niŋgeb al go amaŋ hiyyeŋ gwahade goyen po ne wor Yesuyen mere momoŋ nurdeb amaŋ wor po hihim. 30Yeŋbe al deŋem yaŋ hiyyeŋ, munaŋ nebe deŋnem moŋ heweŋ.
31“Yeŋbe Al Kuruŋ hitte mat katyiŋ geb, al megen haŋ kuruŋ gate folek wor po. Munaŋ nebe megen gar forok yimiriŋ geb, megen niŋ al, irde megen mata forok yeŋ haŋ go po ga nurde bebak teŋ himyen. Fudinde wor po, yeŋbe Al Kuruŋ hitte mat katyiŋ geb, neŋ al megen hite kuruŋ gate tareŋ folek wor po. 32Yeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen gasuŋde niŋ mata goyen diliŋde yeneŋ, mere kirmiŋde nurde hiyen goke tagalde hiyen gega, al kura meremiŋ nurde fudinde yeŋ ma nurde haŋyen. 33Goyenbe al kura Yesuyen mere nurde usi ma yiyyeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen merebe fudinde yeŋ nurdeb gogo gwaha tiyyeŋ. 34Al Kuruŋ beleŋ teŋ kerke wayyiŋ al gobe Holi Spirit keŋkela wor po untiŋ geb, Al Kuruŋyen mere po tagalde hiyen. 35Yeŋbe Naniŋ Al Kuruŋ beleŋ bubulkuŋne wor po yeŋ nurde uneŋbe det kuruŋ gayen doyaŋ yird yird tareŋ goyen unyiŋ. 36Niŋgeb al kura Urmiŋ goke dufaymiŋ saŋiŋ iryeŋbe Al Kuruŋya hugiŋeŋ hiriryeŋ. Munaŋ Urmiŋde mere ma nuryeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen bearar bana hiyeŋ geb, yeŋya hugiŋeŋ heŋ heŋ goyen epte ma tiyyeŋ,” yinyiŋ.

ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ:

Yon 3: dah





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