Luka 23

O Jesus wella glan o Pilateste anlo
1Un lauter stan pre, un anan o Jesuses pash o Pilateste. 2Un jon anan bud koowa ap leste pre, un penan: “Kau mursh kras mare menshen diwjo. Job penas, te das mer o baro rajeste an o foro Rom buder kek lowe. Un job penas ninna, kai hi lo o Kristo, ko baro rai, kolestar o Dewel penas, te well job.”
3Koi putchas o Pilato lestar: “Hal tu o baro rai pral i biboldende?”
Penas lo: “Awa, hi jaake har tu penal.”
4Koi penas o Pilato ap kol bare rashajende un ap kol wawar menshende, kai kote tardo hi: “Me hatsom kek doosh ap leste.”
5Jon mukan gar tele, te anenn le tchilatcho koowa ap o Jesuseste, un penan: “Job kras i menshen diwjo an o them Galilea, un an o tselo them Judea, un an o foro Jerusalem ninna.”
O Jesus wella glan o Herodeste anlo
6Har o Pilato kowa shunas, putchas job: “Hi kau mursh dran o them Galilea?”
7Un har job shunas, kai o Jesus dran o them Galilea hi, kai o Herodes o baro rai hi, mukas lo o Jesuses pash koleste te anell. O Herodes his an ko tsiro ninna an o foro Jerusalem.
8Un o Herodes his bachtelo, har job o Jesuses dikas. Job shunas lestar un kamas les i rah tsiro te dikell. Job kamas, te krell o Jesus leske i baro koowa, hoi kek wawar nai krella. 9Kanna, har o Jesus glan leste tardo hi, putchas job o Jesusestar bud koowa. O Jesus penas tchi pale.
10I bare rashaja un i biboldengre tchatchepangre his koi pashel tardo, un anan bud tchilatcho koowa ap o Jesuseste. 11Un o Herodes un leskre lurde san pral leste, riwan leske i rajeskri plaashka an, un mukan les pale pash o Pilateste te anell.
12Un ap ko diwes wan o Herodes un o Pilato mala. Glan ko diwes his jon chojedo jek ap i wawareste.
I menshe kamenn, te well o Jesus maredo
13O Pilato das i bare rashajen, i pralstune bibolden, un i tsele menshen khetne gole, 14un penas ap lende: “Tumer anan kau murshes pash mande, un penan mange, te krell lo i menshen diwjo. Me kamom lestar te shunell, hoi job koi pre penella, un hatsom kek doosh ap leste, hoi tumer ap leste pre anan. 15Un o Herodes hatsas witar kek doosh ap leste. Doleske bitchras job les pale pash mende. Un kanna shunenn, hoi me tumenge penau: Kawa mursh kras tchi, te hunte well lo maredo. 16-17Me mukau les dawa te dell, un mukau les te djal.”
18Koi dan i tsele menshe gole: “Mare les, un de men o Barabes!”
19O Barabas his i stildo. Job kras an o foro Jerusalem i baro tchingepen, un das i murshes temerl.
20O Pilato kamas o Jesuses te djal mukell. Un job das gole, te kamell lo o Jesuses te djal mukell.
21I menshe dan pale gole: “De les ap o trushel! Ap o trushel leha!”
22Un o Pilato putchas lendar o triinto kopo: “Hawo tchilatcho koowa kras job? Jaake har me kowa dikau, kras job tchi, te hunte well job maredo. Me dau les dawa, un mukau les te djal.”
23Jon dan sorleder gole, te well lo ap o trushel dino. Un har jon gar tele mukan, shunas o Pilato ap lende un penas:
24“Me krau, hoi tumer kamenna.” Un job penas i lurdenge, te denn le les ap o trushel, te merell lo kote.
25Un o Pilato mukas koles dran o stilepen win te djal, kai kras i baro tchingepen an o foro un maras jekes.
O Jesuses das job an lengre wasta.
O Jesus well glan o foro anlo
26Un har jon o Jesuses krik anan, te well job ap o trushel dino, tapran le i murshes ap o drom. Kowa budras win ap i kotar phub un his kanna ap o drom khere. Leskro lab hi Simon, un job his dran ko foro Kirene. Ap koleste tchiwan jon o trushel, te hidjrell lo kowa o Jesuseske palla. 27Un bud mursha un djuwja djan o Jesuseske palla ap o drom. Kolla dan bari gole un rowan.
28Un o Jesus rissras pes trujel un penas ap lende: “Djuwjale dran o foro Jerusalem, rowenn gar pral mande! Rowenn pral tumende un pral tumare tchawende!
29Ko tsiro wella, kai i menshe penenna: Bachtele hi kol djuwja, kai lan kek ternepen. 30Ap ko tsiro penenn le ap i berge: Perenn pral mende!
31Te krenn jon kawa i senelo kashteha, hoi krenn jon palle i phuro kashteha?”
O Jesus merella ap o trushel
32Ninna dui tchilatche mursha wan o Jesuseha glan o foro anlo, te wenn le kote ap o trushel dino. 33Har jon lauter ap ko kotar them wan, hoi kharella Muleskro Shero, dan jon o Jesuses ap o trushel, un kol dui tchilatche murshen ninna. Ko jekeskro trushel his tchatches lestar, ko wawareskro trushel his serwes lestar.
34Koi penas o Jesus: “Miro dad, le i doosh kolendar krik, kai man ap o trushel dan! Jon djinenn gar, hoi jon kran.”
Un i lurde khelan pral leskre koola, te dikenn le, hoi hakeno lella.
35Un i menshe, kai koi pashel tardo his, dikan kowa lauter, hoi o Jesuseha djas. Kol pralstune bibolde, kai kote tardo hi, san pral leste, un penan: “Wawaren las job dran o merepen win. Te hi lo tchatchepah o Kristo, ko baro rai, kones o Dewel win rodas, te well lo pash mende, palle nai djals job o trushelestar tele.”
36Un ninna kol lurde san pral leste, un dan les shutli mool te pijell. 37Un jon penan ap leste: “Tu te hal o baro rai pral i biboldende, ab o trushelestar tele!”
38Un pral leste ap i kasht his tchinlo: Kowa hi i o baro rai pral i biboldende.
39Jek kol tchilatche murshendar, kai ap o trushel dino his, praassas o Jesuses, un penas: “Te hal tu ko Kristo, ab o trushelestar tele, un le men ninna tele!”
40Ko wawar tchingras ap leste un penas: “Muk tele! Dareh tu gar o Deblestar, kanna kai hal ap o trushel? 41Kawa hi mari phagi#23:41 phagi, ap gadjkenes: Strafe koleske, hoi kram. Mer anah tchatchepah doosh ap mende. Kawa mursh kras kek tchilatchepen.”
42Un job penas ap o Jesuseste: “Jesus, ma biste man, te hal tu kote, kai tu o baro rai hal!”
43Un o Jesus penas ap leste: “Tchatchepah, me penau tuke: Kau diwes hal tu mantsa an o Debleskri shukar baar#23:43 baar garta .”
44His nai deesh-te-dujenge, koi was o diwes kalo har i rati an o tselo them. Un kowa atchas jaake bis trinenge. 45Un o wudar an o Debleskro baro kheer, kai his kerdo dran kutch pesso than,#23:45 than stoffdo koja djas an dui kotja mashkral paash.
46Un o Jesus das bari gole: “Miro dad, an tire wasta tchiwau me miro djipen!” Un palle meras lo.
47Har ko pralstuno lurdo dikas, hoi koi djas, sharas lo o Debles un penas: “Tchatchepah, kawa his i latcho mursh.”
48Kol menshenge, kai kote wan un lauter dikan, djas kowa jaake phares an o dji, te dan pen jon ap o betch, un djan penge le.
49Un o Jesuseskre mala un kol djuwja, kai wan leha dran o them Galilea, kolla his i kotar krik tardo un dikan kowa lauter.
O Jesus wella paskedo
50Koi was i mursh, ko kharella Josef. Kowa his tchatcho un latcho. Job his jek kol pralstune biboldendar, 51un kamas gar, te well o Jesus ap o trushel dino. Job his dran i biboldengro foro Arimatia. Un job dikas ap o Debleste, te well ko tsiro, kai hakeno dikell, kai o Dewel o baro rai hi. 52Job djas pash o Pilateste un mangas lestar, te denn le les o mulo Jesuses. 53Un o Josef las o Jesuses o trushelestar tele, un tchiwas les an i laintikro kotar, un tchiwas les an i mulengro kheer, kowa his an i baro bar dino. Kote his gomme kek mensho dren tchiddo.
54Kowa his glan o Debleskro diwes, har o kham tele djas.
55Kol djuwja, kai wan o Jesuseha dran o them Galilea, kolla djan o Josefeske palla, un dikan, har tchiwas lo o mulo Jesuses an i mulengro kheer.
56Un jon djan an o foro pale, un kran kutch djet, hoi mishto sungella, te makenn le les dren. Ap o Debleskro diwes kran le kek budi, jaake har kowa pash i biboldende hi.

ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ:

Luka 23: Sint2021





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