1. Mose 1

O baro Dewel krell o bolepen un i phub
1Glan i rah rah tsiro kras o Dewel o bolepen un i phub. 2Har i phub kerdo was, his tchi koi pre. Kek djipen his koi. His rati un sorelo pani his pral halauter. Un o Debleskro ducho his pral o pani.
3Un o Dewel penas: “Mu well diwes!” Koi was diwes. 4O Dewel dikas, kai ko diwes mishto hi. Un o Dewel das jek tsiro o diweske un jek tsiro i ratsjake. 5Un o Dewel das o diwes ko lab ‘diwes’ un ap i rati penas job ‘rati’. Jaake was rati un pale taissarlakro. Kowa his o ersto diwes.
6Un o Dewel penas, te well o bolepen, un pani koi pral un pani koi tel. Un jaake was kowa. 7O Dewel kras o bolepen. Un pani his koi pral, un pani his koi tel ap i phub. 8Un o Dewel das o bolepen o lab ‘bolepen’. Un was rati un pale taissarlakro. Kowa his o duito diwes.
9Un o Dewel penas, te well ko pani ap i phub khetne ap jek rig, te well o truk them diklo. Un jaake was kowa. 10Un o Dewel penas: “Ko truk them kharella ‘phub’.” Un kowa, kai o pani khetne hi, kharas lo ‘baro pani’. Un o Dewel dikas, kai kowa mishto hi.
11Un o Dewel penas: “Mu well hako senlepen dran i phub win, an koleste hi tikno djob dren, jaake te well lestar pale newo senlepen. Mu wenna ninna ruka dran i phub win, kolendar hakeno peskre rukengre#1:11 rukengre fruchte hidjrella. An kolende hi tikno djob, jaake te well lendar pale newe ruka baro.” Un jaake was kowa. 12Un dran i phub was senlepen win. Hako senlepen mukas peskro tikno djob bares te well, jaake te well lestar pale newo senlepen. Ninna ruka wan baro. Hako ruk hidjras peskre rukengre, an kolende tikno djob hi, jaake te wenn lendar pale newe ruka baro. Un o Dewel dikas, kai kowa mishto hi. 13Un was rati un pale taissarlakro. Kowa his o triinto diwes.
14Un o Dewel penas, te wenn momlia an o bolepen, hoi sikrenna: Kanna hi diwes, un kanna hi rati. Kolla sikrenna ninna: Kanna well nijal, kanna well o wend. Kanna well i baro diwes, kanna i newo bersh. 15Jon hi an o bolepen tardo, te denn le momeli ap i phub. Un kowa was jaake. 16Un o Dewel kras kol dui bare momlia: o kham, te well lo rai pral o diwes, un o tchon#1:16 tchon moonto , te well lo rai pral i rat, un ninna i wawar bolepangre momlia. 17Un o Dewel tchiwas len an o bolepen, te denn le momeli ap i phub. 18Jon hi rai pral o diwes un pral i rat, te dell jek tsiro o diweske un i wawar tsiro o ratsjake. Un o Dewel dikas, kai kowa mishto hi. 19Un was rati un pale taissarlakro. Kowa his o starto diwes.
20Un o Dewel penas, te wenn bud vieche#1:20 vieche, ap gadjkenes: Tiere an o pani un bud tchirkle an o bolepen. 21Jaake kras o Dewel bare panjengre viechen, un ninna hako wawar viecho#1:21 viecho, ap gadjkenes: Tier , hoi an o pani hi, ninna hake tchirkle. Un o Dewel dikas, kai kowa mishto hi.
22Un o Dewel rakras latche laba pral lende win un penas: “Lenn bud terne, te wenn bud tumendar an o baro pani un bud tchirkle an o bolepen.” 23Un was rati un pale taissarlakro, o pantchto diwes.
24Un o Dewel penas, te dell i phub hake viechenge o djipen: i diwje viechenge un kolenge, kai gar diwje hi, ninna i tsele tikne vieche. Un jaake was kowa. 25Un o Dewel kras hake diwje viechen un hake viechen, kai gar diwje hi, ninna i tsele tikne viechen ap i phub. Un job dikas, kai kowa mishto hi.
26Un o Dewel penas: “Kanna krah menshen. Jon wenn jaake har mer. Jon hi rai pral i matchende an o baro pani un pral i tchirklende an o bolepen, pral i diwje viechende un pral kolende, kai gar diwje hi, ninna pral i tikne viechende, hoi djan pral i phub.” 27Un o Dewel kras i menshen jaake har job hi. Awa, jaake har job hi, kras lo len: o murshes un i djuwjat. 28Un o Dewel rakras latche laba pral lende win un penas: “Anenn bud tchawen ap i phub, te well i phub tumendar pherdo! Un awenn rai pral i phub! Awenn rai pral i matchende an o baro pani, pral i tchirklende an o bolepen, un pral hake viechende, hoi ap i phub hi!”
29Un o Dewel penas: “Shunenn, tumer nai chan halauterestar, hoi well baro ap i phub un an koleste tikno djob hi. Ninna i tsele rukengre, kai tikno djob an lende hi, dau tumen te chal. 30I tsele viechen, kai djiwenn ap i phub, ninna i tsele tchirklen un tikne viechen dau me o tselo senlepen te chal.” Un jaake was kowa.
31Un o Dewel dikas halauter, hoi job kras, un tchatchepah halauter his mishto. Un was rati un pale taissarlakro. Kowa his o shobto diwes.

ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ:

1. Mose 1: Sint2021





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