Proverbs 26:9-16

Proverbs 26:9-16 TPT

The statements of a fool will hurt others like a thorn bush brandished by a drunk. Like a reckless archer shooting arrows at random is the impatient employer who hires just any fool who comes along— someone’s going to get hurt! Fools are famous for repeating their errors, like dogs are known to return to their vomit. There’s only one thing worse than a fool, and that’s the smug, conceited man always in love with his own opinions. The lazy loafer says, “I can’t go out and look for a job— there may be a lion out there roaming wild in the streets!” As a door is hinged to the wall, so the lazy man keeps turning over, hinged to his bed! There are some people so lazy they won’t even work to feed themselves. A self-righteous person is convinced he’s smarter than seven wise counselors who tell him the truth.