Luke 5:27-35

Luke 5:27-35 TPT

Afterward, Jesus went out and looked for a man named Matthew. He found him sitting at his tax booth, for he was a tax collector. Jesus said to him, “Be my disciple and follow me.” That very moment, Matthew got up, left everything behind, and followed him. Matthew wanted to throw a banquet to honor Jesus. So he invited Jesus to his home for dinner, along with many of Levi’s fellow tax collectors and other guests. But the Jewish religious leaders and experts of the law complained to Jesus’ disciples, “Why would you defile yourselves by eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners? Doesn’t Jesus know it’s wrong to do that?” Jesus overheard their complaining and said, “Who goes to the doctor for a cure? Those who are well or those who are sick? I have not come to call the ‘righteous,’ but to call those who know they are sinners and bring them to repentance.” Jesus’ critics questioned him. “John the prophet is known for leading his disciples to fast often and pray. As the religious leaders of the land, we do the same. Why do you and your disciples spend most of your time feasting at banquets?” Jesus replied, “Should you make the sons of the bridal chamber fast while celebrating with the Bridegroom? But when the Bridegroom is taken away from them, then you will see them fasting.”

Luke 5 ಓದಿ