Isaiah 30:1-14

Isaiah 30:1-14 TPT

This is what YAHWEH says: “Woe to the rebellious children, who carry out their own plans but not mine, and who sign treaties without consulting my Spirit, piling one sin upon another. You travel down to Egypt to find help without being guided by the words of my mouth. Instead you put your trust in Pharaoh’s protection, seeking shelter in the shadow of Egypt. Therefore, Pharaoh’s protection will become your shame, and the shelter of Egypt’s shadow will end in disaster! Though your officials arrive at Zoan and your ambassadors reach as far away as Hanes, all will be put to shame because of such unreliable people. They can offer you no help, only shame and disgrace!” This is a prophecy of the desert animals: The burden of the caravan is to traverse a desert land of distress and trouble, a land of the lion and lioness, the snake and the fiery flying one! They carry their riches on the donkey’s back and their treasures on the camel’s hump to a nation that will give them nothing in return! Egypt’s help is utterly worthless; that’s why I nicknamed her Rahab, the Do-Nothing Dragon. God told me to write down in a book words meant for the coming generation as an eternal witness. For they are stubborn rebels, children always telling lies, who refuse to listen to YAHWEH’s instruction. They say to the seers: “Stop seeing your visions.” They say to the prophets: “Stop prophesying to us about what is right. Prophesy only pleasant things to us, even if they’re illusions! Leave this narrow way; turn aside from this harsh path. Don’t confront us anymore with the Holy One of Israel!” Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel has to say: “Because you have despised this message, and trust in your own clever abilities to deceive, and rely upon oppression, your own sin will become like a high, bulging wall that is cracked and about to collapse. In an instant, it will all fall down. It will break into pieces like shattered pottery, smashed so ruthlessly that not even a fragment big enough to pick up a hot coal or to scoop water from a cistern will be found!”

Isaiah 30 ಓದಿ