Genesis 18:1-15

Genesis 18:1-15 TPT

YAHWEH appeared once again to Abraham while he lived by the oak grove of Mamre. During the hottest part of the day, as Abraham sat at his tent door, he looked up and suddenly saw three men standing nearby. As soon as he saw them, he ran from his tent to welcome them. He bowed down to the ground and said, “My Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, don’t pass me by. Stay for a while with your servant. I’ll have some water brought to you all so that you can wash your feet. Rest here a while under the tree. Since you’ve stopped by your servant’s home and honored me with your presence, I’ll have food prepared for you so that you can be refreshed; then you can go on your way.” “Very well,” they responded, “go ahead and do as you have said.” Abraham hurried back into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, we have guests! Get three measures of fine flour, knead it, and bake some bread.” Then Abraham ran to the herd, selected a tender choice calf, and told his servant, “Hurry—prepare this calf for my guests!” Then he brought the meal they had prepared—roasted meat, bread, curds, and milk—and set it before his guests. Abraham stood by them under the tree while they ate. They asked him, “Where is your wife Sarah?” He answered, “Over there—in the tent.” Then one spoke up and said, “I will return about this time next year, when your wife Sarah will certainly have a son.” Sarah overheard it, for she was at the tent door not far behind him. Now, both Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. Sarah laughed to herself with disbelief, saying, “A woman my age—have a baby? After I’m worn out will I now enjoy marital bliss and conceive—and with my aged husband?” YAHWEH knew her thoughts and asked Abraham, “Why is Sarah laughing, saying, ‘How can a woman my age have a baby?’ Do you think there is anything too marvelous for YAHWEH? I will appear to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son!” Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying, “I wasn’t laughing.” But he said, “Yes, you were!”

Read Genesis 18