Daniel 9:1-23

Daniel 9:1-23 TPT

These things happened during the first year Darius son of Xerxes was king over Babylon. He was a descendant of the Medes. During his first year of rule, I, Daniel, was studying the Scriptures and noticed that according to the word YAHWEH had revealed to the prophet Jeremiah, seventy years must pass while Jerusalem lay in ruins. Then I turned my heart to the Lord God, seeking an answer from him, pleading for mercy with fasting, wearing sackcloth, and sitting among ashes. I prayed to YAHWEH, my God, and made this confession: “My Lord, you are the great and awesome God who faithfully keeps your covenant of love with those who love you and keep your commands. Yet we have sinned, acted wickedly, and done evil; we have rebelled and turned aside from your laws and commands. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who prophesied in your name to our kings, our leaders, our fathers, and all the people of the land. Righteousness belongs to you, Lord, but we are all covered with shame even to this day—the people of Judah, the residents of Jerusalem, and all Israel, near and far. You have scattered us to many lands because of our treachery against you. Yes, YAHWEH, we are all clothed with shame—our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against you. In spite of all that, Lord, our God, you are filled with compassion and overflow with forgiveness, even though we have openly rebelled against you. “YAHWEH, we have not listened to your voice, our God, nor kept your instructions that you gave us through your servants the prophets. All the people of Israel have ignored your voice; we have defied your instructions and gone astray. Now, the solemn curses confirmed by your promises of punishment in the law of your servant Moses have been poured out upon us because we sinned against you. You have fulfilled the words that you spoke against us and against the rulers over us by bringing upon us such a great calamity. Your severe punishment of Jerusalem has never been equaled under all heaven! As the law of Moses warns, this calamity came upon us in full measure. And even now, YAHWEH, we have not sought to please you, our God, by turning away from our wickedness and following your ways of truth. YAHWEH, you have waited for the right moment to unleash this calamity upon us. YAHWEH, our God, you are just and right in all that you have done, for we defiantly ignored your voice. “And now, Lord our God, you delivered your people out of the land of Egypt with mighty power. You have won fame and gained renown for yourself even to this day. But we acknowledge our sin and wicked ways. Lord, you have always demonstrated your faithfulness to Israel, so now please turn your fierce anger away from Jerusalem. It belongs to you and sits on the hill where sacrifice is made. All the other nations who live around us despise your city and your people because of the sins of our ancestors and because of our sins also. And now, our God, I am your servant and I beg you, please—answer my prayers. Make your face to shine upon your ruined temple so that everyone will know that you are Lord. Turn your heart to hear my prayer, O my God. Listen to my cry and please look carefully and see our despair and the devastated city, which bears your name. We bring our requests to you and ask for your mercy, not because we deserve it but because of your extravagant, infinite love. Lord, hear us and forgive us. Lord, please be attentive and act for us! Do not delay in answering us for your own sake, my God, and for your city and your people who bear your name.” While I was absorbed in prayer, confessing my sins and the sins of my people Israel and presenting my request before YAHWEH, my God, on behalf of Jerusalem, his holy hill—Gabriel, whom I had seen in a vision previously, came flying down from heaven. He touched me at the time of the evening sacrifice. He gave me understanding and said to me, “Daniel, I have come from heaven to impart insight and understanding concerning this prophecy. As soon as you began to pray, God gave you an answer, for you are a precious treasure to God! Now, carefully consider the message and understand the revelation of the vision.

Read Daniel 9