Isaiah 5:20-24

Isaiah 5:20-24 AMP

Woe (judgment is coming) to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe (judgment is coming) to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever and shrewd in their own sight! Woe (judgment is coming) to those who are heroes at drinking wine And men of strength in mixing intoxicating drinks, Who justify the wicked and acquit the guilty for a bribe, And take away the rights of those who are in the right! ¶Therefore, as the tongue of fire consumes the stubble [from straw] And the dry grass collapses into the flame, So their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away like fine dust; Because they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts And despised and discarded the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 5 ಓದಿ