Chivkeeb 17
Kevcai Txiav ua Cim Cog Tseg
1Thaum Anplas hnubnyoog muaj cuaj caum cuaj xyoos, tus TSWV tau rov los tshwm rau nws pom thiab hais tias, “Kuv yog Vajtswv tus uas muaj hwjchim loj kawg nkaus. Koj cia li mloog kuv lus thiab ua lub neej ncaj ncees mus kom tas koj simneej. 2Kuv yuav coglus tseg rau koj thiab yuav pub kom koj muaj xeebntxwv coob heev.” 3Anplas txawm txhos caug ntua nyo hau ua ntsejmuag ti nkaus av, thiab Vajtswv hais tias, 4“Tej lus uas kuv cog tseg rau koj muaj li no: koj yuav tau ua ntau haivneeg tus yawgkoob. 5Koj lub npe yuav tsis hu ua Anplas ntxiv lawm, tiamsis yuav hu ua Anplahas,#17.5 Anplahas: Lub npe no hais li Henplais lo lus uas hais tias, “yawgkoob ntawm txhua haivneeg.” rau qhov kuv tsa koj ua ntau haivneeg tus yawgkoob.#Loo 4.17 6Kuv yuav pub kom koj muaj xeebntxwv huamvam coob heev. Koj tej xeebntxwv yuav mus ua ntau haivneeg, thiab muaj qee leej yuav ua vajntxwv.
7“Kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lus cog tseg rau koj thiab koj tej xeebntxwv mus lawm yav tom ntej ib tiam dhau rau ib tiam uas yog cov lus cog tseg mus ibtxhis tsis kawg li. Kuv yuav yog koj tus Vajtswv thiab koj tej xeebntxwv tus Vajtswv.#Luk 1.55 8Kuv yuav muab lub tebchaws uas tamsim no koj tseem ua neeg poob tebchaws nyob no pub rau koj thiab koj tej xeebntxwv. Tagnrho lub tebchaws Kana-as no yuav yog koj tej xeebntxwv li mus ibtxhis, thiab kuv yuav yog lawv tus Vajtswv.”#Teh 7.5
9Vajtswv hais rau Anplahas hais tias, “Koj yuav tsum ceev cov lus cog tseg no, rau koj thiab koj tej xeebntxwv ib tiam dhau rau ib tiam mus ibtxhis li. 10Koj thiab koj tej xeebntxwv yuav tsum ua kevcai txiav tawv rau txhua tus txivneej.#Teh 7.8; Loo 4.11 11-12Txij hnub no mus lawm yav tom ntej koj yuav tsum muab txhua tus menyuam tub ua kevcai txiav tawv thaum nws hnubnyoog muaj yim hnub, tsis hais tej tubqhe uas yug hauv nej tsev thiab tej tubqhe uas nej yuav ntawm lwm haivneeg los ua kevcai txiav tawv huv tibsi. Txoj kevcai no yog lub cim tseemceeb ntawm lo lus cog tseg rau koj thiab kuv. 13Txhua tus yuav tsum tau ua kevcai txiav tawv, thiab txoj kevcai txiav ntawm nqaij tawv no thiaj ua lub cim qhia hais tias, kuv cov lus cog tseg rau nej yeej nyob mus ibtxhis. 14Txhua tus txivneej uas nws tsis tau ua kevcai txiav tawv yuav tau muab nws rho tawm hauv kuv haivneeg, rau qhov nws tsis ceev lo lus cog tseg ntawd.”
15Vajtswv hais rau Anplahas hais tias, “Koj tsis txhob hu koj tus pojniam ua Xalais lawm, txij hnub no mus koj yuav tsum hu nws lub npe ua Xalas lawm xwb. 16Kuv yuav foom koob hmoov rau nws thiab kuv yuav pub nws muaj ib tug tub rau koj. Kuv yuav foom koob hmoov rau nws thiab nws yuav tau ua ntau haivneeg leej niam, thiab nws tej xeebntxwv yuav muaj qee leej sawv ua vajntxwv.” 17Anplahas txawm txhos caug ntua nyo hau ua ntsejmuag ti nkaus av, tiamsis nws tseem luag twjywm hauvsiab thaum nws xav txog hais tias, “Yuav ua li cas tus neeg uas hnubnyoog muaj ib puas xyoo lawm tseem muaj taus menyuam? Xalas twb muaj cuaj caum xyoo lawm, es nws tseem yuav xeeb taus tub thiab los?” 18Anplahas hais rau Vajtswv hais tias, “Thov koj cia li foom koob hmoov rau Yisamayees xwb.”
19Ces Vajtswv hais tias, “Tsis yog li ntawd, Xalas tus uas yog koj tus pojniam yuav yug ib tug tub rau koj thiab koj yuav tis nws lub npe hu ua Ixaj.#17.19 Ixaj: Lub npe no lus Henplais txhais hais tias, “nws luag.” Kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lus cog tseg nrog nws thiab nws tej xeebntxwv mus ibtxhis. Yog lo lus cog tseg uas nyob mus ibtxhis tsis kawg li. 20Kuv hnov tej lus uas koj tau thov kuv hais txog Yisamayees, yog li ntawd, kuv yuav foom koob hmoov rau nws thiab pub nws muaj tubki thiab xeebntxwv coob heev. Nws yuav ua kaum ob tug vajntxwv leej txiv, thiab kuv yuav pub kom nws tej xeebntxwv ua ib haivneeg uas tseemceeb. 21Tiamsis kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lus cog tseg nrog koj tus tub Ixaj, yog tus uas lwm xyoo rov txog lub caij no Xalas yuav yug rau koj.” 22Thaum Vajtswv hais tas rau Anplahas lawm, nws txawm ncaim Anplahas mus lawm.
23Anplahas ua raws li Vajtswv hais, tib hnub ntawd xwb nws txawm ua kevcai txiav tawv rau nws tus tub Yisamayees thiab lwm tus txivneej uas nyob hauv nws lub tsev, tagnrho tej tubqhe uas yug hauv nws tsev thiab tej tubqhe uas muab nyiaj yuav los huv tibsi. 24Anplahas ua kevcai txiav tawv thaum nws muaj hnubnyoog cuaj caum cuaj xyoos, 25thiab nws tus tub Yisamayees ua thaum muaj kaum peb xyoos. 26Nkawd puavleej ua kevcai txiav rau tib hnub ntawd, 27thiab tib txhij nrog Anplahas cov tubqhe txhua tus huv tibsi.
ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ:
Chivkeeb 17: MWW2000

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