Proverbs 29:19-27

Proverbs 29:19-27 NCV

Words alone cannot correct a servant, because even if they understand, they won’t respond. Do you see people who speak too quickly? There is more hope for a foolish person than for them. If you spoil your servants when they are young, they will bring you grief later on. An angry person causes trouble; a person with a quick temper sins a lot. Pride will ruin people, but those who are humble will be honored. Partners of thieves are their own worst enemies. If they have to testify in court, they are afraid to say anything. Being afraid of people can get you into trouble, but if you trust the LORD, you will be safe. Many people want to speak to a ruler, but justice comes only from the LORD. Good people hate those who are dishonest, and the wicked hate those who are honest.