Exodus 2 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Divine Interceptions
7 Days
God is our Divine Interceptor! When Satan attempts to use weapons to destroy God’s plan for our lives, God comes through in intercepting any weapon formed against us! Throughout the Bible God has illustrated his divine interceptive power. In the Divine Interceptions Bible Plan, readers will discover documented instances when God Intercepts for his children. Take courage and know without a doubt that God’s interceptions in your life are divine.

14 days
Exodus is one of history's greatest epics, and Moses one of its greatest heroes. Movies have been made, books written, and the entire Bible refers back to the events in this book. Join Through the Word as we guide you chapter by chapter through the unfolding drama of God's great rescue mission, with clear explanation and compelling audio in just minutes each day. Part 1 covers chapters 1-13.

28 Days
Insecure: This four-week study examines the lives of four Biblical characters and the challenges they faced as they worked through their insecurities. (Cain, Moses, Saul, and Peter) Their life stories will lead you to be challenged and encouraged to exchange your areas of insecurity for confidence and joy.

Deliverance: A Study In Exodus
30 days
The book of Exodus chronicles the Israelites' rescue from Egypt, deliverance from slavery, and establishment of the tabernacle in the wilderness. In Exodus, we see the premier covenantal promise of God is the reality of his presence among His people, leading, guiding, and directing them towards holiness in Him.

Bible Stories: Old Testament Season 1
30 Days
In this 30-day scripture reading plan, explore the lives of Old Testament Bible characters such as Abraham who’s known as the Father of Faith, Moses who led the children of Israel out of slavery, and many more. Witness how God moved through them and you’ll soon learn more about God, His character and His love for you. We invite you to walk on this journey together with us!