Exodus 16:3 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Change Your Mind From Employee To Entrepreneur
3 Days
If God has called you to be an entrepreneur, the first thing you need to do is change your mind. The mind-set of an entrepreneur is very different from that of an employee. If your mind is not changed, you will struggle in your calling. This 3-day devotional provides scriptural guidance in changing your mind from employee to entrepreneur.

Discipleship: Accountability Plan
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. In this short Infinitum Discipleship series reading plan, we focus on accountability.

Pieces of Manna: Surviving Your Wilderness Season
3 Days
Are you having to go without something you need or want for an extended amount of time? If so you might be in a “wilderness” season. God often takes us through times of lacking before we get what He’s promised. Along the way we learn the lesson of trust. This three-day devotional will teach you how to survive your wilderness season.

God Comes Through In Power
4 Days
In the God Comes Through in Power Bible Plan readers will be encouraged by God’s all mighty, powerful nature as discovered in scripture. Knowing this truth will help believers realize that no matter what circumstances they face, God is able to come through powerfully on their behalf.

Give Me Your Peace
4 Days
In the middle of life’s storms, how can we have peace? Like many of God’s gifts, peace is freely offered, but we need to know where to look for it and how to receive it. This four-day devotional from Gateway Worship explores four key ways God gives us His peace—His presence, His power, His provision, and His promises.

Certainty Amid Uncertainty
4 Days
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, you may be feeling that your whole world is falling apart. In spite of the uncertainty that surrounds us, we have ultimate certainty in God, the Rock of our salvation. We are going to see God do great things in and through us. Walk with hope, for our God is a refuge and an ever-present help in time of need.

Fuel for Your Journey
4 Days
Are you anxious about the direction your life is headed? Do you feel too weak and exhausted to face the next stretch ahead? In examining the Israelites’ journey in Exodus, we learn how God takes care of us in our own journeys! God wisely leads us. He gives us strength in our weakness. He provides for our daily needs. And He revitalizes us in our exhaustion.

Don't Look Back
5 Days
The past holds a river of memories for each of us, some good and bad. The sad thing is many of us continue to look back to the past, which is preventing us from walking into the future that God designed and prepared for us before time began. As you read through this plan, my prayer is that you will release the hold on your past and embrace the future God has for you.

Reframing Your Life With God's Perspective
5 Days
We often face circumstances that we cannot change—a job we are forced to keep, a relationship that did not work out, a decision we cannot take back. The stress of life can overwhelm us, and we may not see past the obstacles in our path. In the face of unwanted challenges, we may despair over our lack of control and long for an easier way out. Laurie Short offers a simple but revolutionary idea: change nothing that is around you yet still change everything about your life.

Navigating This Season of Wandering
5 Days
In this video devotional series, learn from the Old Testament Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years so that you too can have certainty during seasons of uncertainty and wandering by knowing that God is always with you in your wandering.

The Process of Deliverance
5 Days
Encompassed within the definition of the Greek word for salvation (sōtēria) is healing and deliverance. To be delivered means to be rescued, set free, or loosed from something, or someone. Jesus came to set us free from all of the power of the enemy. In this five-day study we will discover five essential steps to receiving deliverance.

Hope for the Hurting
5 Days
Everyone's story comes with unique challenges that leave you lost and drowning in their wake. Dr. Tony Evans, bestselling author and pastor, understands life's hardships firsthand. In less than two years, he lost his brother, sister, brother-in-law, two nieces, father, and wife. Join him on this 5 day journey and see that there is hope for the hurting: His name is Jesus.

Soul Care Part 4: Sabbath
5 Days
Self-care has become all the rage. Clean eating, rest, exercise, essential oils, "me time." Yes, all these types of self-care are great, but do you continue to find yourself struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, insecurity, or self-doubt? Maybe there’s some deeper spiritual care needed. This Soul Care series will explore how to take care of your soul ... the most important part of you.

The Essential Jesus (Part 3): Previews of a Savior
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Walking With a Loved One Through Addiction
5 Days
Addiction affects one in every five people worldwide. Many of us walk alongside a loved one who struggles with addiction. How best can we help them? How do we look after ourselves along the way? Over the next five days, we’ll reflect on this journey. To help us, we’ll explore the journey of God’s people through the wilderness – from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land.

Praying Through Change
5 Days
Change may come in many forms, but change always comes. Whether you are intentionally seeking change, or it has been forced on you, whether you want to change or you’re fighting it, there is a better way to work through the changes and stages of life. The better way is to PRAY. This reading plan will help you pray from “here” to “there” on the path of change.

PATIENCE - Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit
5 Days
How can the fruit of the spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This five-day reading plan shows the battles of PATIENCE versus impatience, sorrow, pride, anger, and entitlement. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action and become champions of PATIENCE in our daily lives.

Longing Wrongly
6 Days
Regardless of our age, we often long for someone else’s life, especially when the going in our own life gets a little tough. Like the woman who can’t wait to be married; or the couple who can’t wait to have a child; or the teenager who can’t wait to get out of his parents’ house and live on his own. But it’s on the waiting that God perfects our soul.

Explore Israel: A Biblical Tour of the Holy Land
6 Days
The land of the Bible teaches us so much about the context of our faith. Israel holds the mysteries of centuries of biblical history. From Abraham, to the Exodus, to the Judges and Kings, to the Messiah born in a stable, this land is the setting. Join us as we travel through six regions of the country to discover the ancient history and biblical significance.

Faith as Currency in Our Finances
6 Days
Times are tough. Prices are high. Disposable income has dwindled. As followers of Jesus, how are we reacting to the severe economic crises faced by people in our communities and around the world? In this powerful, encouraging six-day plan, Busola Sodeinde explores the teachings of Jesus and the lives of various people in the Bible to show us how to respond with faith to the reality of financial uncertainty.

7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ.

Renovating Your Mind
7 Days
These devotions will encourage you to change your perspective from perception to truth. Through the lens of truth, you will find the freedom and joy that God has abundantly given us through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Finding Meaning in the Middle of Change
7 Days
How do we respond when life doesn’t go as we planned or when we take a detour? When we’re experiencing change, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, anger, and disappointment. But God has something better for us. Learn how you can start embracing change, even in the middle of the messy process.

Don't Mom Alone
7 Days
Many of us carry the heavy burden of mothering alone because we believe certain myths about what a mom should be. We fear embarrassment and rejection when we fall short of that standard. Heather MacFadyen's devotional walks with us through some of the isolating ideas that keep us from reaching out to other moms for companionship and support—and helps us see why God never intended for us to mom alone.

I Can't Do This! - How to Overcome Addiction
7 Days
You may have been drawn in by the title ‘I can’t do this!’ We would love to walk alongside you over the next seven days and help you change that way of thinking. This won’t be a quick solution, but true change never is. However, if followed, it will bring you freedom because, in Jesus, this is your assurance.