Acts 16:6 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Living a Righteous Life in God
3 Days
This plan will help to remind us to have a righteous life in God

Understanding God's Will
3 Days
Ever been in a place where you’ve been confused about what God’s will is in a specific situation? This 3-day plan explores how we can find out His will - both, His general will, and His specific will for our lives.

Becoming a Savvy Follower
3 Days
You are always in the process of becoming. Who you are becoming may be more or less who you really want to be. As a follower of Jesus Christ, you are meant to become more like Him. One day, one decision, and one action at a time. The Becoming reading plans will look at four facets of discipleship, moving you closer to a life that looks like Jesus.

Hear God at Work
4 Days
Can we, should we, expect to hear from God at and about work? This short series of market place videos considers God’s desire to walk and talk with us in our work. Based on the book "Monday Memos" by Mark Bilton.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–16–The Travels Of Paul
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the sixteenth part "The Travels of Paul." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Wildflowers: Lydia the Aster
5 Days
In this four-part devotional, Lenya Heitzig pairs women of the New Testament with the wildflowers they represent. Like the star-shaped aster, Lydia spreads beauty and grace throughout her community. Lydia the Aster, is a five-day reading plan about a savvy businesswoman who didn't shy away from publicly proclaiming her faith.

Your Breakthrough Year: 5 Days of Inspiration to Kickstart Your New Year
5 Days
The new year can be your breakthrough year. Your breakthrough is just on the other side of the barrier you faced last year. This can be the year you finally get the breakthrough needed in your life. The plan will share the encouragement and inspiration you need to have your best year ever.

Dream Devo - SEU Conference
5 Days
God has always had a dream. Whether you call it a vision, a plan, or a purpose, God’s always been dreaming. God’s desire is that all of creation would experience and know the love of Christ. He has been relentless in His pursuit that we would experience life to the full.

Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spirit
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan, anchored in Jesus' promise of 'power from on high' for His followers. Delve into key moments where the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles, breaks barriers, and confirms that Jesus Christ is Lord. Learn how mission and the Kingdom's advance rely on the Spirit's dynamic power, and find practical applications for your own faith journey.

Exploring the Book of Acts: Workplace as Mission
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan and gain a fresh perspective on persecution in the New Testament. Discover how early Christians integrated work with gospel witness. From Paul's tentmaking to Tabitha's weaving, learn how diverse occupations contributed to the church's growth. This journey encourages you to see your own vocation as a vital part of your ministry and spiritual life.

Exploring the Book of Acts: Gospel to the Ends of the Earth
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan that follows the early church's Spirit-led mission across geographies. Experience the growth from Jerusalem to Rome, understanding the Holy Spirit's crucial role in guiding and expanding the gospel's reach. This journey invites you to embrace the Spirit's leadership in fulfilling God’s global mission today.

The Book Of Acts
7 Days
The Book of Acts, also called "The Acts of the Apostles," is the companion volume to the Gospel of Luke. This reading plan explores the major concepts that Luke addressed as he unfolded the unhindered spread of the gospel of God's kingdom in the days of the early church.

Follow Me: Timeless Leadership Lessons
7 Days
Long before TED Talks, best-seller lists, podcasts, and conferences, there was a man whose influence and impact changed the world. He came to be known as the Apostle Paul, and he can teach us quite a bit about leadership. "Follow Me" takes leaders back to ancient principles and propels them forward into lives of greater influence. It's 1st-century wisdom for 21st-century leaders!

Philippians: Living for What Really Matters
7 Days
Meaningful struggle (not pointless hustle) can lead us to growth and joy. Paul understood hustle and struggle, but still helped the Philippians live in authenticity, unity, and community. We might feel that life is trying to bury us… but each of us is a seed. And in this 7-day journey through Philippians, we’ll see how we can grow deep roots and blossom by finding the meaning in our struggle.

How to Share Your Faith
7 Days
In this devotional for men, we'll take a good, hard, and very practical look at how we can get better at sharing Jesus with others! Written by Tim Pippus of Hope for Life Christian Fellowship.

Seven Days to Change the World: A Prayer Journey for the Nations
8 Days
The Lord has commanded us to "Go" into all nations and preach the gospel. Our commission to go to 'Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8)' is not a sequential but a simultaneous responsibility. Therefore, we will take up the challenge to pray for the nations through one week. We've included the "Seven Mountain of Influence Prayer Guide" at the beginning for those new to prayer, and a Sample General Prayer for Nations and Continents. You will find a prayer guide for each continent with daily personal devotionals.

ACTS Zúme Accountability Group
10 Days
We all know that we should read our Bible, pray, and be the church, but what if we actually started doing that? Zúme Accountability Groups are small groups of 2 to 4 people that don’t just want to be hearers of the word, but doers! If you want simple and practical “HOW TO” steps to be and do what Jesus called, commanded, and created us for then start this plan.

Stuck In Reverse
10 Days
Do you ever wonder why it seems your life is going nowhere? Have wrong turns and detours prevented you from reaching your goals and dreams? Do fear, sin, and hesitation paralyze you from living the life God has in store for you? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he explains how you can shift out of reverse and into drive, living an abundant life in Christ full of hope and meaning.

How to Survive the Storms of Life
12 Days
Every one of us will at some point find ourselves going through storms in life. All our certainties crumble; we wonder why God lets this happen and when the storm will subside. This reading plan gives you valuable advice to stand firm in such a situation. This advice is based on a true biblical story from the book of Mark.

Now Hope
13 Days
Faith, hope and love, they always seem to go together. We hear lots about faith and love, but what about hope - the link which holds this chain together? While the world’s understanding of ‘hope’ is something insubstantial, the Bible’s descriptions of it – hope as an anchor, hope as a helmet – are anything but! Decide to activate hope today and discover how it leads you into God’s tomorrow.

Hospitality Defined: Practical Love in Service to God
15 Days
Hosting people, especially around the holidays, can be a joy—but it can also be a burden. God offers us a different way. The Bible shows hospitality as a practical way to demonstrate love for others in service to God. In this 15-day series, consider how to follow God's example of love and service and accept God's good gifts of hospitality to you.

17 Days
(Part three of a four part journey through the Books of Acts.) Even in (and especially in?) hard times, God is present and is working to build His Church. We can find encouragement in this. When circumstances force us to pivot, we don’t have to lose heart - God is with us.

The Book of Acts: Part 3 - Ends of the Earth
18 Days
An exciting look at the birth of the early church, through the eyes of Luke, the author of the gospel of Luke. This series combines video clips from the movie, The Book of Acts, with thought-provoking questions for reflection, discussion and practical life application.

19 Days
The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.

The Birth of the Christian Church
20 Days
The book of Acts reveals the power of God at work through the Apostles and other individuals who would turn the world upside down with the Christian movement. This study will help you understand the importance of the Holy Spirit at work in your life and recognize that God’s children can do the extraordinary work of Jesus Christ when yielded to his will and power.