1 Peter 5:10 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Don't Settle For Safe
3 Days
If voices of insecurity, doubt, and fear are not confronted, they will dictate your life. You cannot silence these voices or ignore them. In this 3-day reading plan, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how to defy the limitations of your past and embrace the uncomfortable to become unstoppable.

Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Ancora Kids Live God's Way
3 Days
This 3-day plan explores what Peter says about being holy. Many verses in the Bible are about being holy. We know that God is holy, but why would we want to be holy? Because Jesus said that’s how we have to be. The plan complements the free children’s game app Guardians of Ancora.

Set Free And Delivered
3 Days
This insightful 3-day Bible Plan will help readers to learn how to gain wisdom and resist temptation, in order to overcome the enemy and experience true victory in their quest for deliverance.

Finding Your Way
3 Days
Do you know where you’re going? In the Bible, Jesus answers that question. And provides direction. These guided audio meditations will help you take that walk. A walk to encounter God. Walking and dwelling in the divine presence of God as He helps you find your way.

3 days
The power of God is strong in my life and I know that I am more than a conqueror until a situation occurs that I don't have an answer to. God feels distant and I'm frustrated by what has happened. My plans have shifted and now I’m confused. Take a journey with Pastor Jeff Gwaltney as he takes a look at how God’s number system works in our lives.

3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the Infinitum theme of Surrender.

Untriggered: Resting in God When You’re Triggered by Anxiety, Anger, or Temptation
3 Days
Pressure and confusion can bring out the worst in us, but God’s Word is a powerful tool to combat our triggers with His truth.

The God Of All Grace
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-healing devotional. May the God of all Grace settle you. May the God of all Grace strengthen you. May the God of all Grace establish you and make you perfect. May the God of all Grace make you whole. May the Lord God give you strength to overcome, and conquer every tactic and weapon of the enemy.

When Have You Felt Lost?
3 Days
Do you know where you’re going? In the Bible, Jesus answers that question. And provides direction. These guided audio meditations will help you take that walk. A walk to encounter God. Walking and dwelling in the divine presence of God as He helps you find your way.

The God of All Grace
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. May the God of all Grace strengthen you. May the God of all Grace establish you. May the God of all Grace settle you. May the God of all Grace give you Peace. May He lead you. May He guide you. May God impart His Blessing and Favor upon you. May every aspect of your life shine of God’s Goodness and Favor as you read this powerful message.

Jesus, I Need You! Prayer
3 Days
Do you deeply feel your need for Jesus? This three-day plan for prayer is designed to enhance your time alone with Him and help you cry out to Him. It also serves as a companion prayer to the eight-part "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries.

Freedom in Forgiveness
3 Days
Are you struggling to forgive people who have hurt you? Are you holding onto past bitterness and offense? Join me in this three-day devotional that will help you walk in freedom from the chains that are holding you back from growing emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. The Lord wants you to walk in the fullness of His joy and freedom today!

Readying for Rough Roads: A 3-Day Parenting Plan
3 Days
A crucial responsibility on the parental agenda is preparing our children for the hard times that will inevitably come their way. This is especially the case for those young people who, having committed their lives to Christ, will live as adults in a world where they likely will encounter hostile opposition to their faith. Let’s think this week about instilling a mindset that will help them thrive in such times.

Life-Changing Lessons From Martha: A 3-Day Plan on Luke 10:38-42
2 Days
In Luke 10:38-42, Martha's story offers practical insight for navigating the demands of life. This 3-day plan explores the life-changing wisdom from Martha’s encounter with Jesus focusing on embracing God’s loving correction, prioritizing spiritual growth over busyness, and finding peace by overcoming anxiety. Each day offers practical steps to refocus on Christ and experience His presence in your daily life.

How To Deal With Suffering
4 Days
Have you ever wondered why God allows us to suffer? Interestingly, the Bible does tell us about suffering. In this plan we will go through different verses of the Scriptures that can help us gain a positive perspective and understanding of suffering in this life on earth.

Where New Life Begins
4 Days
Pain can be a valuable tool. It's a message alerting us to pay attention. It could be physical pain, but most often it’s a painful relationship, habit, memory, or past. If you ignore pain, it can prevent you from living the new life God intends for you. But, by acknowledging pain and deciding to do something about it, you can start living and achieving in ways you never could before.

Don't Waste Your Pain by Godman Akinlabi
4 Days
We have all experienced pain at some point in our lives, be it emotional, physical, or psychological. We can wallow in our pain or we can impact lives with our painful experiences. Someone somewhere is going through what hurt you in the past and can use your knowledge, experience and insight to get through it. May God open your eyes to the wisdom behind every hurt, disappointment or loss.

Beating Anxiety at Its Own Game
4 Days
Anxiety in all its forms can be debilitating as it can throw us off balance and keep us bound in fear. This is not the end of the story though, for in Jesus, we find freedom and the grace to overcome the struggle. We don't just overcome it but we can be made better for it thanks to the word of God and the constant reassuring presence of God.

Known and Loved: A 4-Day Devotional for Adult Adoptees by Iris Bryant
4 Days
Known and Loved is a 4-Day plan designed to help adult adoptees find hope and peace in God’s word. Iris P. Bryant shares how her journey to find truth and identity led her to a deeper relationship with God the Father and an understanding of how her true identity could only be found in Him.

Suffering With Purpose: A 4-Part Series Through 1 Peter
4 Days
Have difficult circumstances in your life led you to settle for a mentality of simply surviving? The message of 1 Peter is a lifeline to us in our suffering! It lifts us out of our stagnation and empowers us to live with purpose for God within our trials!

Music: Bible Songs to Stop Worrying
4 Days
Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains four Bible songs that help you to cast your worries to God. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One song every day from the books of Matthew, 1 Peter, and more! Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Words of Life, sung to life.

Remembering All God Has Done
5 Days
It's our natural tendency to look to the future, but we should never forget the past. This plan is designed for you over a 5-day period to remember all that God has done in shaping you into the person you are today. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional designed the help you remember the key events of your walk with Christ. For more content, check out finds.life.church

Your Purpose Stands Regardless Of Your Past
5 Days
Many of us have been there: broken, hurting, full of sorrow, ashamed. The list goes on. But out of this place God longs to restore and redeem us, regardless of our past. This journey will bring you from a place of questioning your future to one of hopeful purpose!

5 Days
This Life.Church Bible Plan is a study of 1 Peter to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Different. In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … different .