Sealm 22
Sealm XXI (22)
[Introduction missing due to lost folio of manuscript]
1Drihten, Drihten, min God, beseoh to me;
hwi forlete þu me swa feor minre hælo?
2Ic clypige dæges and nihtes to ðe,
and andette mine scylda and seofige min ungelimp,
and þu hit ne gehyrst.
Ac ne understand þu hit me to unrihtwisnesse,
for ðæm ic þe na ne oðwite þæt þu me ne gehyrst,
ac minum agnum scyldum ic hit wite.
3Ðu wunast on halgum stowum, Drihten, Israela lof.
4To þe hopedon ure fæderas; hi hopedon to þe and þu hi alysdest.
5Hy clypodon to ðe and hi wurdon for ði gehælde;
hi hopedon, and hi þæs ne sceamode.
6Ic eam wyrme gelicra ðonne men,
for þam ic eom worden mannum to leahtrunge and to forsewennesse,
and ic eom ut aworpen fram him of heora gesomnunga swa þer wyrm.
7Ælc þæra þe me gesyhð, he me forsyhð and onscunað.
Hi sprecað mid heora welerum and wecgað heora heafdu and cweðað:
8“He hopode to Drihtne,
alyse he hine nu he gealp þæt he hine lufode.”
9Drihten, þu eart se þe me gelæddest of minre modor innoðe;
þu wære min tohopa syþþan ic fram minre modor breoston gelæd wæs.
10Þinre gymenne ic wæs beboden,
syððan ic of hire innoðe eode, þu wære min God.
11Ne gewit þu fram me, for þam me synt earfoðu swyðe neh,
and nis nan oþer þe wylle oððe mæge me gehelpan.
12Me ymbhringdon swiðe mænige calfru (þæt synt, lytle and niwe fynd),
and þa fættan fearas me ofsæton (þæt synd, strengran fynd).
13Hi todydon heora muð ongean me,
swa swa leo þonne he geonað and grymetað
and gefehð þæt þæt he wyle.
14Eall min mægen is tostenged and to nauhte worden,
swa swa þæt wæter þæt þe byð ut agoten.
Min heorte and min mod is gemolten swa þær weax oninnan me,
15and min mægen ys forsearod swa swa læmen crocca;
and min tunge ys gecleofod to minum gomum,
and to deadum duste fulneah mine fynd me geworhton,
16for ðan me ymbhringdon swiðe mænige hundas,
and seo gegaderung þara awyrgedra me ofsæton.
Hy þurhdulfon mine handa and mine fet
17and gerimdon eall min ban (þæt ys, min mægn).
And mine getrywan frynd þam ic getruwode
swa wel swa minum agenum limum,
hy min hawodon and me beheoldon,
18and gedældan him min hrægl and þæt tohlutan.
19Ac, la Drihten, ne afyr þinne fultum fram me,
ac loca to minre generennesse.
20Ahrede mine sawle æt heora sweordum,
and of þæs hundes handa min lif.
21Gefriða me of þæs leon muðe,
and of þam hornum þara anhyrna gefriða me, yrming.
22Ic þonne bodie þinne naman minum broðrum;
on midre heora gesomnunge ic þe herie and cweþe to him:
23“Se þe Drihten ondræde, herie hine, eall Iacobes cynn.
Ondræde hine eall Israela cynn,
24for þam he na forsyhð ne ne awyrpð earmra manna gebeda;
ne he his andwlitan ne awende fram me,
ac þonne ic clypode to him, þonne gehyrde he me.”
25Beforan þe byð min lof on þære myclan cyrcan;
ic gylde min gehat Drihtne beforan þam þe hine ondrædað.
26Þonne etaþ þa þearfan and hi beoð gefyllede;
and heriað þonne Drihten þa þe hine secað,
and heora heortan onfoð mægene and libbað a worlda world.
27Þonne gemunan þæt eall eorðgemæru
and gecyrrað ealle to Drihtne,
and gebiddað hy to him ealle þeoda and ælc cynn,
28for þam ðe Drihtnes synd þa ricu,
and he wylt ealra þeoda.
29Hy etað and hy gebiddað, ealle þa welegan geond þas eorþan;
beforan his ansyne cumað ealle þa ðe on eorðan astigað.
30And min sawl him leofað and min sæd him þeowað.
And hy bodiað Drihten ure cyn þæt æfter us cymð;
31and heofonas bodiað his rihtwisnesse
þam folcum þe þonne beoð acende,
þa worhte Drihten.
Sealm 22: ASPsa
ចង់ឱ្យគំនូសពណ៌ដែលបានរក្សាទុករបស់អ្នក មាននៅលើគ្រប់ឧបករណ៍ទាំងអស់មែនទេ? ចុះឈ្មោះប្រើ ឬចុះឈ្មោះចូល
The first 50 psalms are credited to King Alfred the Great and were written in c.890-899 AD, and the last 100 psalms were translated c.900-950 AD by an unknown poet.