What To Do When Life Doesn't Make SenseSample

What To Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense

DAY 4 OF 7

Keep Going Through!

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 23:4: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me.” 

That verse tells me that there is a valley of shadow. Stuff is going to happen in this life. I wish it wouldn’t. I wish I could wrap you in cotton and keep you in a closet so that bad things won’t happen to you, but I can’t. Besides, that would be no kind of life. A real life has challenges and risks. Without those, existence would be dull indeed.

The key word in Psalm 23:4 is “through.” Keep walking through the valley of shadow; don’t set up camp there! The valley of shadow is not a place you want to stay. 

We’ve all met people who’ve allowed disappointments or a traumatic event to stop them in their tracks or even define their lives. Perhaps a loved one or best friend died, and they couldn’t get past it. Maybe someone did them wrong, even a long time ago, and they’re still rehashing it, blaming all their troubles on that horrible thing that happened.

Maybe you’re the one who is stuck.

When something traumatic happens, it can sometimes make you feel like you don’t know anything anymore. You thought you knew what to expect. You thought you could count on certain things to always be there for you, or to always be the same. But now you’re not sure at all.

I thought I was going to be married to Brent my whole adult life. In an instant, everything changed. I had no idea what my future looked like. The things I thought were sure had been irrevocably changed. Nothing seemed sure anymore. Maybe you feel like that too. 

But let me assure you that even though the bottom may have fallen out and you may have questions, you do still know some things. God’s Word is still true. He is still Lord and He still has a good plan for you! Keep believing Him and you will come out the other side. 

So how do you do that? What should you “keep cooking” on the front burners of your life? How can you keep living, loving and serving while your questions simmer away on a back burner? The key is right between your ears. 

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

What To Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Has heartbreak, loss, or disappointment shaken the foundation of your life? Do you find yourself even questioning your faith in God? I’ve been there. So what should we do when we’re going through the dark places in life? These seven devotionals can give you hope and solid Bible principles for getting past the pain and moving forward into your bright future. 
