Jeremiah 10:17-25

Jeremiah 10:17-25 Amplified Bible (AMP)

¶Gather up your bundle [of goods] from the ground, You who live under siege. For thus says the LORD; “Behold, I am slinging out at this time the people of this land, And will cause them [great] distress, That they may find it [to be as I have said].” ¶“Woe to me because of my [spiritual] brokenness!” [says Jeremiah, speaking for the nation.] “My wound is incurable.” But I said, “Surely this sickness and suffering and grief are mine, And I must bear it.” My tent is destroyed, And all my [tent] cords are broken; My children have been taken from me [as captives] and are no more. There is no one to stretch out my tent again And to set up my [tent] curtains. For the shepherds [of the people] have become [like brutes,] irrational and stupid, And have not searched for the LORD or asked about Him or realized their need for Him; Therefore they have not been wise and have not prospered, And all their flocks are scattered. The sound of a report! Behold, [the invader] comes— A great commotion from the country of the north (Babylonia)— To make the cities of Judah A desolation, a haunt and dwelling place of jackals. ¶O LORD, I know that the path of [life of] a man is not in himself; It is not within [the limited ability of] man [even one at his best] to choose and direct his steps [in life]. [Ps 37:23; Prov 20:24] O LORD, correct me [along with Your people], but with mercy and in just measure— Not in Your anger, or You will crush me and bring me to nothing. Pour out Your wrath on the nations that do not know nor recognize You And on the families that do not call Your name. For they have devoured Jacob; They have devoured him and consumed him And made his land a desolate waste.