Luuka 22

Ogoossi Yeesso layagiis dagsi ka larerreega
(Mattaayo 26:1-5, Marko 14:1-2, Yoohana 11:45-53)
1Daawti Makaateti Liikhasine daawti Baasakka layadeeh a soodowwaatte. 2Kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow tagaammeti amurre jitoo iche Yeesso katagiise yowatta, a mehe enenyete karooraan.
Yuuda usuhi Yeesso ꞌdub goocho ayyicha
(Mattaayo 26:14-16, Marko 14:10-11)
3Seytaan la Yuudahi Iskaariyoot layadeehe abatti Yeessoti tomon ichoow lammee kichekoowe gele. 4Yuuda la kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ꞌdooꞌdi iskarti minki Waakhe buure yaakhisso itoollo iirte, saggi us Yeesso ꞌdub igoocho kaleehawwooche. 5Icho la weyti hamaadeene chilimmeti icho siichaan goocheen. 6Yuuda la ayye yidahye, inti leemujjumenye us Yeesso inti urur ikajirin ka dahanohicho kagesso yowte.
Yeesso gololi daawti Baasakka abattitiis leeyaham
(Mattaayo 26:17-25, Marko 14:12-21, Yoohana 13:21-30)
7Ibeenki Daawti Makaateti Liikhasine heleenki daawti Baasakka lasoorriyoocho yitah. 8Yeesso Beetero ichoow Yoohana ergate wihi us iyidah, “Nyaama inti inno gololi daawti Baasakka kanaham inno ihaaggicha.”
9Icho la wihi icho worsateen, “Intoh ꞌdoonta, katannabanna?”
10Wihi us ilaabe, “Chirra atin ilkerengeet gessaan, etoo ꞌdirihi biccheet siꞌdo afiin a kayamiit. Raaha minki us gelo leegela. 11Wihi atin ooyohi min leh itadeehiin, ‘Eti Ween mehe kiyidah ya, min goyaka meessi marti ani ichoow abattiteey gololi daawti Baasakka kanaham meeke?’ 12Meessoo buurenye minkiis sartiisenye meeh tuumman khabto iche atin tusa. Intaas ka golol haaggicha.”
13Abatti bahte, walah dakkhan ba iꞌdi kootte us iyidah on iꞌheleen. ꞌDeerka gololi daawti Baasakka haaggisse.
Gololi Kamur
(Mattaayo 26:26-30, Marko 14:22-26, 1 Koriinto 11:23-25)
14Chirri sahaꞌde titah ka, Yeesso ichoow ergaanotiis komborti ballaaddane lakagolossati garabiche ka dikkille kareeyeen. 15Ulla wihi us iyidah, “Ani weyti anihi golola Baasakka geeddi sina liikawaarin atin leeaham imoone. 16Iꞌdi tahe wihi an atin isoocheeko, toro ma atin leeahame ichoowka wihi goorat liidah goobi Waakh ka labuuhicha.”
17Chirraakka kokkooboo farsoti sabiib kajirto okkhiche Waakh kalaꞌd ilaabe wihi us abatti iyidah, “Waha khaata ebba a anguunti. 18A mehe wihi an atin isoocheeko, an farsoti sabiib toro ma damo, ichoowka dakhi Waakh yamiit.”
19Makaate khaate Waakh kalaꞌd ilaabe, jejjebche abatti ididdiibe wihi us yidah, “Waha a sarteeyti atin liisoobahche, amha ꞌdee ikasooꞌhela.”
20Saggaas on u, inkoo icho gololi gelebeet yumheen ka, kokkoob khaate wihi us yidah, “Kooba a ayyinti husube Waakh enenyet diiggeey ka igoocho, a diiggi iroonotiin liikhubo. 21Iꞌdaasenyi dahanti eti ꞌdub isoogoocho dahantaaya komborta ballaaddan kaleejirta. 22Ínam Aadam iꞌdi goorat Chiirnaanneti Waakh lakachiiruu, a yamuute, iꞌdaasenyi eti usu ꞌdub goocho sinati sugto eenna a buure.” 23Abatti eti waha sooyeelo isworsatte.
Abatti eti goycho ka ween isworsatta
24Iche la toro eti goycho ka eti weyti ween liiekkaacho isleeiriirte. 25Yeesso la wihi us icho iyidah, “Karnatohi ꞌdooꞌdi Waakh igaran saggi suujenye ꞌdooꞌd idakhtaane, icho la ꞌdooꞌd, ‘Nah a aalassiinna,’ idowaan. 26Iꞌdaasenyi atin iꞌdaas iitaahana. Eti goytiin ka weyti ween, iꞌdi eti weyti rucchul a yitaahe, eti enenyet dakhti la iꞌdi falfa a yitaahe. 27A mehe, ayyo maanta ween, eti orronti golol karam liikachibo yaham a, bal eti karantaas golol kasoochibo? Rumanka eti ween a ki golol karam liikasoochibo yaham on menya? Iꞌdaasenyi an goytiin ka a iꞌdi eti golol karam atin ikachibo. 28Atin a ki maanti an sinayyohi ikajo ꞌhele ileejire. 29Saggi Aabbaheey dakh dahanteey isoogessuu, ani laka dakhaas dahantiinna gessa. 30Atin la ꞌdee goobeey ka ileegolossattaane, komborohi antoot koorromattaane, yaafoheenki Issiraayele tomon ichoow lammee anattaan.”
Yeesso Beeterohi sooꞌdiiꞌdo orey on cheeka
(Mattaayo 26:31-35, Marko 14:27-31, Yoohana 13:36-38)
31Yeesso toro wihi us yidah, “Siimon, Siimon, daganso! Seytaan saggi enenyet ꞌdargaayye ichoow chaafo seley ibahchuu, antohi us atin kakajo a daahe. 32Iꞌdaasenyi Siimon, an a kisooweesde ꞌdee mujjum orey isohatta ani ikakhuufta. Chirri at isoonokhatte la ꞌdooꞌdi irummeeste uure miigoossa.”
33Iꞌdaasenyi wihi us ilaabe, “Kamur, an a geeddi an jeela kileegelo, toro kileeamuut laka.” 34Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Beetero wihi an kisoocheeko, ibeenka goya geeddi lukki iriirin, at kol seyyahe ꞌdiiꞌdda, ma igaratti tadeeh.”
Yeesso abattitiis waanicha
35Yeesso ꞌdeerka wihi us abattitiis worsate, “Maanti goorat chilimme ichoow ugar ichoow kobo laan an atin ergade atin wohoo a waayteen?”
Wihi iche ilaabte, “Walahba.”
36Yeesso la wihi us toro iyidah, “Maantaka, eti chilimme khabo a khaatti, ki ugar khabo ugar a khaatti, ki birlab ikhabin la kabuuꞌdiis a ororicho birlab a gatti. 37A mehe wihi chiiran, ‘Usu ꞌdooꞌdi Waakh daagiwwaaye goya lagate.’#22:37 Isaaya 53:12. Wihi an atin iadeeh la, waha ani liikabuuhicha. Aa, wihi ani imiinsane chiiran inti lakabuuhicho a eleelaan.”
38Abatti la wihi iche tidah, “Kamur inta yey, birlab lamma a khabna!”
Wihi us ilaabe, “Geeddaas a atin yaakhta.”
Yeesso Hali Geeyohi Oolif ka weesta
(Mattaayo 26:36-46, Marko 14:32-42)
39Yeesso bahe, iꞌdi orrankateet u Hali Geeyohi Oolif irte, abattitiis la raahte. 40Chirri icho meel eleeleen ka, Yeesso wihi us abatti iyidah, “Waakh wahda ꞌdee kajmeti uskeel atin kaluguꞌddo akidihina.” 41Abattitiis kelee kaseehe, geeddoor daakki laseyo eleelo ileeirte, jilbo il kaguꞌdde Waakh wahte, wihi us yidah, 42“Aabbahaaw, chaꞌat ꞌdoonto kokkooba sinayyoot ikakhaat. Iꞌdaasenyi in an ꞌdoono menye, in at ꞌdoonto a titaahe.” 43Hertoo Waakh la goobi Waakh ka timiyye, isoobahte, miig siisse. 44Bolokkhi buure goyaka geeddi kootteet laka ꞌdirihiis Waakh wahte, iꞌdiꞌdi us ꞌhooricho harra kaaddibho la iꞌdi diiggi diddibho yitah.#22:44 Chiirnaanneti Yeedi Waakhe uumacchee gaasoo chiirnaanki 43 ichoow ki 44 ma khabaan. 45Chirri us weysi kasookahe us abatti inokhte ka, ichehi bolokh kurmiche uꞌdurto ꞌhele. 46Wihi us icho worsate, “A iꞌdoh iuꞌdurtaan? Kaha Waakh wahda ꞌdee kajmeti uskeel atin kaluguꞌddo akidihina.”
Yeesso lakhabta
(Mattaayo 26:47-56, Marko 14:43-50, Yoohana 18:3-11)
47Yeesso yeyyeedaayi, ururoo yimiy. Eti Yuuda layadeehe abattiti tomon ichoow lammee kichekoowe iche soowoya. Ulla Yeesso iyimiy a dongataa. 48Iꞌdaasenyi Yeesso wihi us worsate, “Yuuda, at Ínam Aadame dongo ka ꞌdub goossa?”
49Chirri abattiti addane kootte Yeesso leejirte wihi sooyateeh kasse ka wihi iche tidah, “Kamur birlabbeteen ka icho ma dihno?” 50Kichokoo la falfati kuhaanihi weyti ween guꞌdde, nabahti miigeet ngꞌure.
51Iꞌdaasenyi Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “ꞌDii a geeddaas one.” Yeesso la et nabah ꞌdaare, samaache.
52Yeesso kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ꞌdooꞌdi ꞌdooꞌdi minki Waakhe buure yaakhicho itoollo ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuude usu iyimiy wihi us iyidah, “Chaꞌatin khokkhoomme ichoow birlabbe leetimaateene, ikhabattaan, an a etoo enenyet walah saro? 53Maan tuumman ani uranti minki Waakhe buure ka a atin leejire, atin la ma ikhaban. Iꞌdaasenyi waha a sahaꞌddiinna, a sahaꞌddi Seytaanki karnati mugꞌdee atin anti.”
Beetero Yeesso ma gardi yadeeh
(Mattaayo 26:57-58, 69-75, Marko 14:53-54, 66-72, Yoohana 18:12-18, 25-27)
54Icho la ꞌdeerka Yeesso khabteene, khaateene minki kuhaanihi weyti ween geecheen. Beetero fogaka ꞌdooꞌd ꞌdubiis sooraahe. 55Iꞌdaasenyi inkoo icho uram dahche ka ꞌdaboo bolkhicheene icho isleeorronteen ka, Beetero laka leeorronte. 56Inantoo falfee, banayhi ꞌdab ka usuhi intaas fiddiyo agarte, fiirisse wihi iche tidah, “Eta usu a leejire.”
57Iꞌdaasenyi leeꞌdiiꞌde wihi us iyidah, “Irta an usu ma gardi.”
58Inkoo geeddoo lafiddiye ka etoo addan usú arge, wihi us iyidah, “At laka a kichekoo.”
Beetero wihi us ilaabe, “Eta, ani kichokoo mee!”
59Inkoo geeddi sahaꞌddoo lafiddiye ka etoo addan Beetero arge toro wihi us yidah, “Rumanka reenka laka usú a leejire a mehe ullaka a ꞌdooꞌdi Gaalilaaya.”
60Beetero wihi us ilaabe, “Eta, an wihi at kaayyeeddo ma gardi!” Beetero yeyyeedaayi lukki riire. 61Kamur la urgiye Beetero indo kakhabte. Beetero ꞌdeerka yeedi Kamur iyidah kasooꞌhele, “Maalinka geeddi lukki iriirin, at kol seyyah, ‘Ma kigardi!’ tadeeh.” 62Ulla khar ibahe, bolokh ka ooye.
Iskare Yeesso jahta toro kachaaratta
(Mattaayo 26:67-68, Marko 14:65)
63Reeri kootte Yeesso yuubicho Yeesso kachaarnaan ichoow jahnaan sookhabte. 64Indo hideene, “Eti Waákh íyeyyeedoow, eti kiguꞌdde nah isoocheek,” idoween. 65Usu leeabaarrameene, wahanyeyyohoo addane ittaawenye sussuuje laka idoween.
Yeesso Bilaato ichoow ꞌHerood ortiis lageecha
(Mattaayo 26:59-66, Marko 14:55-64, Yoohana 18:19-24)
66Uun il barye ka, Jaldaabti Weene Yaꞌhuude kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow tagaammeti amurre kijiraan ba kulmeene, Yeesso la orcho lakeene. 67Icho tuumman la wihi icho worsateen, “Nah isoocheek chaꞌat Ki Lasubhe tahe.”
Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Chaꞌan atin isoocheeke, ma irummeysattaan. 68Chaꞌan wohoo atin worsade la, ma isoolaabtaan. 69Iꞌdaasenyi uus toolla kakhabatti, Ínam Aadam Waakkhi miig leh anki dahantiisti miigeete orronta.”
70Icho dakkhan la wihi icho worsateen, “Ati ꞌdeerka Weeli Waakhe?”
Wihi us ilaabe, “Atine iꞌdaas tidaaheen.” 71Icho la wihi icho yidaaheen, “A iꞌdoh ꞌdooꞌdoo addane gar laabo iyowanna? Afiis ka wihi us yidah a daagne.”

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