Mark 9:2-8

Mark 9:2-8 TPT

After six days, Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, Jacob and John, and hiked up a high mountain to be alone. And Jesus’ appearance was dramatically altered, for he was transfigured before their very eyes! His clothing sparkled and became glistening white—whiter than any bleach in the world could make them. Then suddenly, right in front of them, Moses and Elijah appeared, and they spoke with Jesus. Peter blurted out, “Good Teacher, this is so amazing to see the three of you together! Why don’t we stay here and set up three shelters: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah?” (For all of the disciples were in total fear, and Peter didn’t have a clue what to say.) Just then, a radiant cloud began to spread over them, enveloping them all. And God’s voice suddenly spoke from the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved Son and you need to always listen to him!” Then suddenly, as they looked around, they saw only Jesus with them, for Moses and Elijah had faded away.

Video for Mark 9:2-8