Matthew 17:22-27

Matthew 17:22-27 TPT

When they all gathered together in Galilee, Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed and turned over to his enemies. They will kill him and in three days he will be resurrected.” When the disciples heard these words they were devastated. After they arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax approached Peter and asked, “Does your teacher pay the tax for the upkeep of the temple, like the rest of us?” “Of course he does,” Peter answered. When Peter walked into the house, and before he had a chance to speak, Jesus spoke up and said, “Peter, I have a question for you. Who pays tolls or taxes to a king? Is tax collected from the king’s own children, or from his subjects?” “From his subjects,” Peter answered. Jesus replied, “That’s right. The children get off free without paying taxes. But so that we don’t offend them, go to the lake and throw out your hook, and the first fish that rises up will have a coin in its mouth. It will be the exact amount you need to pay the temple tax for both of us.”