Isaiah 28:1-13

Isaiah 28:1-13 TPT

Woe to the pride of Israel’s drunkards, worn like a garland on their heads! Their glory is but wilted flowers, worn like a crown on the heads of those bloated with rich food and overcome by wine. Behold! The Lord has one who is strong and mighty, and he will come like a hailstorm and like a destroying wind! With a storm of massive, flooding waters, his mighty power will knock it to the ground. That proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot, and the glory of these proud leaders will fade and disappear like the first figs of the season, which are picked and eaten as soon as they are ripe. In that day, Lord YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies, will be a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty for the remnant of his people. He will be a Spirit of justice for judges to render right decisions. And he will be strength and bravery for those who turn back the battle at the gate. Moreover, the prophets and priests are drunk. They stagger because of wine and stumble around because of strong drink. They are confused with wine, stumbling because of strong drink. They’re too drunk to understand their prophetic visions. They’re too drunk to render right decisions in judgment. All of their banqueting tables are covered with filthy vomit; vomit is everywhere! They say, “Who does this prophet think he is to try to teach us? Who really cares about his message? It’s only good for babies just learning to talk. Do, do this, and do, do that, a rule about this and a rule about that, here a little, there a little.” Since they won’t listen to me, God will use another mouthpiece to speak to them. With stammering lips and in a foreign language, he will speak to this people. For he has said to them, “This is your rest, so let the weary rest; this is your comfort”—but they would not listen. Therefore, the word of YAHWEH will be to them “Do, do this, and do, do that, a rule about this and a rule about that, here a little, there a little,” in order that they will stumble backward and be broken and captured.

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