Daniel 7:19-22

Daniel 7:19-22 TPT

But I was curious to know more about the fourth beast. It was much different from all the others—the terrifying, dreadful beast. It crushed its victims with claws of bronze and with teeth of iron and then trampled on them. Also, I wanted to know more about the ten horns on its head and the more prominent horn that sprouted up and uprooted three of the previous horns. I wanted to gain insight about this conspicuous little horn, more imposing than the others, with eyes in it and a mouth speaking arrogantly. As I watched, that horn fought against the holy ones and was defeating them until the Everlasting One came on the scene. He handed judgment over to the saints of the Most High, and dominion was given to the holy ones of the Most High. Then the time came when the holy ones took possession of the kingdom.