Daniel 1:8-13

Daniel 1:8-13 TPT

However, Daniel determined in his heart not to contaminate himself with the food and wine from the royal table, so he begged the chief official to exempt him from the royal diet. Then God moved on the heart of the chief official to show Daniel favor and compassion. But he warned Daniel, “My lord the king has ordered your meat and drink, and I fear that he will notice if your face starts looking worse than the other men your age. You could put my life in jeopardy with the king.” Daniel then appealed to the overseer whom the chief officer put in charge over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Daniel said to him, “Test us, your servants, for ten days. Give us only seeds to eat and water to drink. Then afterward, compare our appearance with those of the young men who eat the king’s food. Then you can decide what to do with us.”