Acts 25:7-12
Acts 25:7-12 TPT
the Jewish leaders who came from Jerusalem encircled him and leveled against him many serious charges, which they were unable to substantiate. In his defense, Paul said by the Holy Spirit, “I have done nothing wrong. I’ve committed no offense against Jewish law, or against the temple, or against Caesar.” Festus, because he wanted to curry favor with the Jews, asked Paul, “Are you willing to go with me to Jerusalem and be tried for these charges?” Paul replied, “I am standing here before Caesar’s tribunal. This is where I should be tried. As you well know, I have done no harm to the Jews. If I have committed a crime worthy of death, I won’t seek to escape the death penalty. But if none of their charges are true, no one has the right to hand me over to them. I appeal to Caesar!” After conferring with the members of his council, Festus replied, “Since you have appealed to Caesar, to Caesar you will go!”