Job 34:21-37

Job 34:21-37 AMP

¶“For God’s eyes are on the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps. [Ps 34:15; Prov 5:21; Jer 16:17] “There is no darkness nor deep shadow Where the evildoers may hide themselves. “For He sets no appointed time for a man, That he should appear before Him in judgment. “He breaks mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place. [Dan 2:21] “Therefore He knows of their works, And He overthrows them in the night, So that they are crushed and destroyed. “He strikes them like the wicked In a public place, Because they turned aside from following Him And would not consider or show regard for any of His ways, [1 Sam 15:11] So that they caused the cry of the poor to come to Him, And He heard the cry of the afflicted. [Ex 22:23; James 5:4] “When He keeps quiet, who then can condemn? When He hides His face [withdrawing His favor and help], who then can behold Him [and make supplication to Him], Whether it be a nation or a man by himself?— “So that godless men would not rule Nor be snares for the people. ¶“For has anyone said to God, ‘I have endured my chastisement; I will not offend anymore; Teach me what I do not see [in regard to how I have sinned]; If I have done wrong (injustice, unrighteousness), I will not do it again’? “Shall God’s retribution [for your sins] be on your terms, because you refuse to accept it? For you must do the choosing, and not I; Therefore say what you [truthfully] know. “Men of understanding will tell me, Indeed, every wise man who hears me [will agree], ‘Job speaks without knowledge, And his words are without wisdom and insight. ‘Job ought to be tried to the limit Because he answers like wicked men! ‘For he adds rebellion [in his unsubmissive, defiant attitude toward God] to his [unacknowledged] sin; He claps his hands among us [in open mockery and contempt of God], And he multiplies his words [of accusation] against God.’ ”

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