Job 31:24-40

Job 31:24-40 AMP

¶“If I have put my trust and confidence in gold, Or have declared fine gold my hope and assurance, If I gloated and rejoiced because my wealth was great, And because my [powerful] hand [alone] had obtained so much, If I beheld the sun [as an object of worship] when it shone Or the moon going in its splendor, And my heart became secretly enticed [by them], And my hand threw a kiss from my mouth [in respect to them], This also would have been [a heinous] sin calling for judgment, For I would have denied God above. [Deut 4:19; 17:2-7] ¶“Have I rejoiced at the destruction of the enemy [who hated me], Or exulted [in malicious triumph] when evil overtook him? “No, I have not allowed my mouth to sin By cursing my enemy and asking for his life. “I assure you, the men of my tent have said, ‘Who can find one [in need] who has not been satisfied with his meat’? “The stranger has not lodged in the street, Because I have opened my door to the traveler. “Have I concealed my transgressions like Adam or like other men, By hiding my wickedness in my bosom, Because I feared the great multitude, And the contempt of families terrified me, So that I kept silence and did not acknowledge my sin and did not go out of the door? “Oh, that I had one to listen to me! Look, here is my signature (mark); Let the Almighty answer me! Let my adversary write out His indictment [and put His vague accusations in tangible form]. “Surely I would [proudly] bear it on my shoulder, And bind the scroll around my head like a crown. “I would count out to Him the number of my steps [with every detail of my life], Approaching His presence as if I were a prince. ¶“For if my land has cried out against me, And its furrows weep together; If I have eaten its fruits without paying for them, Or have caused its [rightful] owners to lose their lives, Let thorns grow instead of wheat, And stinkweed and cockleburs instead of barley.” So the words of Job [with his friends] are finished.

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