Psalms 78:40-55

Psalms 78:40-55 NCV

They turned against God so often in the desert and grieved him there. Again and again they tested God and brought pain to the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember his power or the time he saved them from the enemy. They forgot the signs he did in Egypt and his wonders in the fields of Zoan. He turned their rivers to blood so no one could drink the water. He sent flies that bit the people. He sent frogs that destroyed them. He gave their crops to grasshoppers and what they worked for to locusts. He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore trees with sleet. He killed their animals with hail and their cattle with lightning. He showed them his hot anger. He sent his strong anger against them, his destroying angels. He found a way to show his anger. He did not keep them from dying but let them die by a terrible disease. God killed all the firstborn sons in Egypt, the oldest son of each family of Ham. But God led his people out like sheep and he guided them like a flock through the desert. He led them to safety so they had nothing to fear, but their enemies drowned in the sea. So God brought them to his holy land, to the mountain country he took with his own power. He forced out the other nations, and he had his people inherit the land. He let the tribes of Israel settle there in tents.