Psalms 107:4-32

Psalms 107:4-32 NCV

Some people had wandered in the desert lands. They found no city in which to live. They were hungry and thirsty, and they were discouraged. In their misery they cried out to the LORD, and he saved them from their troubles. He led them on a straight road to a city where they could live. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. He satisfies the thirsty and fills up the hungry. Some sat in gloom and darkness; they were prisoners suffering in chains. They had turned against the words of God and had refused the advice of God Most High. So he broke their pride by hard work. They stumbled, and no one helped. In their misery they cried out to the LORD, and he saved them from their troubles. He brought them out of their gloom and darkness and broke their chains. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. He breaks down bronze gates and cuts apart iron bars. Some fools turned against God and suffered for the evil they did. They refused to eat anything, so they almost died. In their misery they cried out to the LORD, and he saved them from their troubles. God gave the command and healed them, so they were saved from dying. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. Let them offer sacrifices to thank him. With joy they should tell what he has done. Others went out to sea in ships and did business on the great oceans. They saw what the LORD could do, the miracles he did in the deep oceans. He spoke, and a storm came up, which blew up high waves. The ships were tossed as high as the sky and fell low to the depths. The storm was so bad that they lost their courage. They stumbled and fell like people who were drunk. They did not know what to do. In their misery they cried out to the LORD, and he saved them from their troubles. He stilled the storm and calmed the waves. They were happy that it was quiet, and God guided them to the port they wanted. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his love and for the miracles he does for people. Let them praise his greatness in the meeting of the people; let them praise him in the meeting of the elders.

Video for Psalms 107:4-32