Job 31:1-23

Job 31:1-23 NCV

“But I made an agreement with my eyes not to look with desire at a girl. What has God above promised for people? What has the Almighty planned from on high? It is ruin for evil people and disaster for those who do wrong. God sees my ways and counts every step I take. “If I have been dishonest or lied to others, then let God weigh me on honest scales. Then he will know I have done nothing wrong. If I have turned away from doing what is right, or my heart has been led by my eyes to do wrong, or my hands have been made unclean, then let other people eat what I have planted, and let my crops be plowed up. “If I have desired another woman or have waited at my neighbor’s door for his wife, then let my wife grind another man’s grain, and let other men have sexual relations with her. That would be shameful, a sin to be punished. It is like a fire that burns and destroys; all I have done would be plowed up. “If I have been unfair to my male and female slaves when they had a complaint against me, how could I tell God what I did? What will I answer when he asks me to explain what I’ve done? God made me in my mother’s womb, and he also made them; the same God formed both of us in our mothers’ wombs. “I have never refused the appeals of the poor or let widows give up hope while looking for help. I have not kept my food to myself but have given it to the orphans. Since I was young, I have been like a father to the orphans. From my birth I guided the widows. I have not let anyone die for lack of clothes or let a needy person go without a coat. That person’s heart blessed me, because I warmed him with the wool of my sheep. I have never hurt an orphan even when I knew I could win in court. If I have, then let my arm fall off my shoulder and be broken at the joint. I fear destruction from God, and I fear his majesty, so I could not do such things.

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