1 Chronicles 28:11-20

1 Chronicles 28:11-20 NCV

Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for building the Temple and the courtyard around the Temple. They included its buildings, its storerooms, its upper rooms, its inside rooms, and the place where the people’s sins were removed. David gave him plans for everything he had in mind: the courtyards around the LORD’s Temple and all the rooms around it, the Temple treasuries, and the treasuries of the holy items used in the Temple. David gave Solomon directions for the groups of the priests and Levites. David told him about all the work of serving in the Temple of the LORD and about the items to be used in the Temple service that were made of gold or silver. David told Solomon how much gold or silver should be used to make each thing. David told him how much gold to use for each gold lampstand and its lamps and how much silver to use for each silver lampstand and its lamps. The different lampstands were to be used where needed. David told how much gold should be used for each table that held the holy bread and how much silver should be used for the silver tables. He told how much pure gold should be used to make the forks, bowls, and pitchers and how much gold should be used to make each gold dish. He told how much silver should be used to make each silver dish and how much pure gold should be used for the altar of incense. He also gave Solomon the plans for the chariot of the golden creatures that spread their wings over the Ark of the Agreement with the LORD. David said, “All these plans were written with the LORD guiding me. He helped me understand everything in the plans.” David also said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and brave, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, because the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or leave you until all the work for the Temple of the LORD is finished.