Genesis 17:1
EasyEnglish Bible 2024
When Abram was 99 years old, the LORD appeared to him. The LORD said, ‘I am God Almighty. In all your life, obey me and do nothing wrong.
Explore Genesis 17:1
Genesis 17:5
Your name will not be Abram any more. Instead your name will be Abraham, because I will cause you to become the ancestor of many nations.
Explore Genesis 17:5
Genesis 17:7
I will make this covenant with you and with your descendants. It will continue for many generations of your descendants, for all time. I will be your God. I will also be the God of all your descendants.
Explore Genesis 17:7
Genesis 17:4
‘Listen to me. This is my covenant that I have made with you. You will become the ancestor of many nations of people.
Explore Genesis 17:4
Genesis 17:19
God said to Abraham, ‘No, your wife Sarah will give birth to a son for you. You must give him the name “Isaac”. I will make my covenant with him and with his descendants for all time.
Explore Genesis 17:19
Genesis 17:8
You are now living here in Canaan as a foreign person. But I will give all of this land to you and to your descendants. It will belong to them for ever. I will be their God.’
Explore Genesis 17:8
Genesis 17:17
Abraham fell down so that his face touched the ground. He laughed and he said to himself, ‘I am now 100 years old. That is too old to have a son. Sarah is 90 years old, so she could never give birth to a child.’
Explore Genesis 17:17
Genesis 17:15
Then God said to Abraham, ‘As for your wife, do not call her Sarai any more. Instead, her name will be Sarah.
Explore Genesis 17:15
Genesis 17:11
Your circumcision will show that you have agreed to my covenant with you.
Explore Genesis 17:11
Genesis 17:21
But I will make my covenant with Isaac, not with Ishmael. At about this time next year, Sarah will give birth to your son, Isaac.’
Explore Genesis 17:21
Genesis 17:12-13
Every male child among you must be circumcised when he is eight days old. You must continue to do this for every generation of your descendants. Circumcise every male that lives with you. Circumcise your own family. Circumcise servants that have been born in your house. Also circumcise foreign servants that you have bought with money. You must circumcise all the male servants who work for you in your house. Circumcision will be a mark in your bodies which shows that you accept my covenant. It will continue for all time.
Explore Genesis 17:12-13