Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 15:1

Time to Engage // Show Up for Your Life
4 Days
Sometimes life feels awfully mundane. Can you relate? Does it leave you wondering what your purpose is? In lather/rinse/repeat mode, it's easy to lose sight of this truth: God created you for a specific, amazing purpose. This 4 day plan helps you recapture the vision He has for your life and equips you to show up for the life you're living, right now.

Make a Choice: Devotions From Time of Grace
5 Days
Being kind, caring for others, and putting them before ourselves are behaviors we need to learn. God's love motivates us to choose to go first and serve others.

Avoid Burnout // the Roar of a Well-Tuned Engine
5 Days
Feeling burned out, weary, worn to the bone? These are signs something isn't quite right, especially if you've been feeling this way for awhile. Are you shouldering the right burdens? Are you chasing the right goals, leaning in to the right relationships? Through this plan, invite God to show you the work he's designed for you and ask Him to relieve you of the weights you weren't designed to carry.

Growing as an Enneagram Eight: The Challenger
5 Days
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology. The theory behind it is that a person assumes one of nine personalities in childhood as a reaction to discovering the world as a scary, unkind place, and thus unlikely to accept their true self. This devotional is designed for Enneagram Eights, also known as the Challenger.

Becoming a Stronger You
5 Days
Feel like life’s got you beat? Has your energy been spent on too much chaos and not enough care? Do you long to be a stronger person? Are you tired of giving up instead of believing God? How does one grow in strength? The writer of Hebrews has some ideas. Get on track today toward becoming a stronger you in this five-day plan with Cheri Strange.

Navigating the Gray Areas of Faith and Life
5 Days
Should a Christian use Tinder… get a tattoo… or drink shots of tequila? Anyone who wants to live a life of grace needs to navigate the world’s lifestyle choices that may not necessarily be wrong, but could lead to sin—either our own or a fellow believer’s. In this devotional, Professor Bradley Truman Noel suggests five questions to ask the Holy Spirit to help guide our decisions.

Everyday Prayers for Patience
5 Days
Moms sometimes find themselves trying to encourage their kids to have patience while their own patience has run out as they await God’s perfect timing. Brooke McGlothlin invites you to consider that patience is getting to know Jesus, loving through the hard, and trusting God with the fight. She suggests prayers to help you seek God’s heart to discover surer ways to have patience with yourself and your children.

Everyone Needs a Saviour
5 Days
It is said that the letter to the Romans could be seen as the whole Gospel in a nutshell. Great heroes of the Christian faith, like St. Augustine and John Calvin, have relied on Romans to refine their theology. Let’s solidify our understanding of Romans through this five-day reading plan by Henku Grobler.

Relationships the Right Way: The "One Anothers" of Scripture
5 Days
Do you know that there's not just one right way to make chocolate chip cookies? In the same way, there is not only 1 right way to live in relationships with others. BUT there are some ingredients that help to make our relationships sweet and satisfying. Let’s explore those together!

Between Borders
5 Days
BETWEEN BORDERS is a film based on the riveting true story of an Armenian family who faced persecution in the Soviet Union. The story shares a glimpse of the difficulties immigrants often face as they search for safety and peace. Through their involvement in a small church in Russia, they experience comfort, encouragement, and faith that God had a plan for their lives. This plan reveals ways we can help others in similar situations.

Pouring Into Others When You Feel Empty
7 Days
Do you feel tired and worn out but still desire to serve others? This reading plan will show you biblical principles and practical tips on how you can pour into others even when you feel like you don’t have much to give.

Guidance From God // Full Throttle Into New Life
7 Days
God invites all men (including you!) into a new way of living—a new way of seeing and understanding your story; a new way of dealing with your struggles; a new way of achieving good and lasting change. This 7 day plan will help you see what God is up to, understand the life he's calling to, and drink deeply from the only well that truly quenches your thirst.

Our Magnificent God Of...
7 Days
God’s awesome character is revealed in the Bible in a multitude of ways; and He loves the number seven because it demonstrates His perfection in every way possible. In this plan we look at seven descriptions of His perfect glory and majesty presented in scripture as “the God of...”

7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ. For more content like this, visit

The Care Project
7 Days
This 7-Day series is designed to build new habits of recognizing and showing care for people throughout your day. As a part of a larger 40-Day Journal, you can start your journey here, and then deepen it through the actual journal.

Move With Compassion: A 7-Day Advent Devotional
7 Days
The Bible often tells us that Jesus was “moved with compassion.” What does that mean, and how can it inform our lives today? At Christmas, we focus on one of Jesus’ biggest moves of all: He became flesh and “moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14). This Advent, we invite you to explore your global neighborhood and see how Jesus continues to move with compassion in the world today.

Stepping Into Revival
10 Days
We are in a world that is spiritually dry. It is time for an awakening. It is time for believers to rally together and usher in a movement of the spirit. Are you ready for revival in your heart, your communities, your country? It’s time to take action! It is time to reach new levels in your walk with Christ. Join Pastor Paul Daugherty as he leads you to the path of personal revival.

This Is How We Build A Nation
10 Days
We believe that we can build church in a way that helps build the nation. Join us as we focus on PRAYER, UNITY and GENEROSITY – believing for God to do something significant in your life, in your city and in the nation.

Better Together Advent
12 Days
12 Days to Abide in Christ during the Holiday season. This advent is designed to help us experience and remember what's the most essential part of our lives and provides a way to reflect on what God has given us. May this be the most wonderful time of the year because we get to celebrate the most wonderful gift our world has ever experienced!

Romans: Theology for Everybody (12-16)
13 Days
In this 13-day plan, you will study Romans 12-16 in an applicable, practical way that makes complicated theology accessible for everybody, whether you’re just curious about the Bible, a new believer, or a long-time follower of Jesus. We pray that God will speak to you through it.

Grow Up
14 Days
A lot of emphasis is placed upon making the leap from childhood into adulthood. At some point, it’s going to seem weird or juvenile if we haven’t “grown up”. The Christian faith shares this element of maturing and developing. A steady yet sometimes overlooked part of our Christian faith is “growing up” – and it’s not just a solo pursuit. Christians are called to help each other in maturity.

Hope in God!
15 Days
For many people, “hope” is something positive but also something uncertain. If we hope for something, we are not sure whether it will happen. However, the Bible teaches us that there is a source of hope that is absolutely certain and trustworthy — God's character and promises. This reading plan is about hope from a Biblical perspective.

What is Love?
16 Days
Ever wonder what the Bible says about love? So did we, so we went through and picked out a couple of thoughts for this plan. Enjoy.

A Grace-Shaped Life: Romans 9-16
16 Days
Your life is shaped by many things - your values, relationships, and the circumstances of your life. But what about God's grace? In the book of Romans, Paul offers advice and encouragement about that grace and how it should shape our lives. In this 16 day series, Jon Opgenorth will take you through Romans 9-16 and think about what a grace-shaped life looks like.

Justification: A Study in Romans
16 Days
Considered one of the most theologically rich books of the New Testament, Romans is a treatise on the theology of salvation. Beginning with the hopelessness of our sin-filled state, Paul shows how God provides righteousness to His people through Jesus Christ. In Romans, we are reminded that justification does not come from status or moral achievement but from belief in the substitutionary death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.