Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalm 32:6

Open and Unafraid: A 5-day Journey Through the Psalms
5 Days
Jesus quoted the Psalms more than any other book in the Old Testament. It has been the church's hymn book for centuries. Dive deeper into the riches of the Psalms and discover how they help us live more fully and walk with God more honestly as we wrestle with anger and sadness, enemies and justice, life and death.

Biblical Success - Pushing Through the "Blahs"
5 Days
We will discuss the "why" and the purpose of dry times, distractions, and other "Ds" of our daily lives in Christ, their inevitability, and how we can turn them to benefit our walk with Jesus.

Good Grief Part 5: Learning to Lament Your Sin
5 Days
We all experience great loss- a relationship, a job, a loved one, or simply life as it once was. We’re sure that life is not supposed to be this way and so we grieve and mourn for what could have been. And we’re not alone. Join us for the final week of a 5-part plan that will help us learn the language and heart of lament in Scripture.

Raw Prayers: Praying Through Our Sin
5 Days
Life is not easy, and along with the hard days come many negative emotions. Generally, we deal with them by venting, stewing, or hiding. Did you know that many of the Psalms are prayers born out of these strong emotions? These reading plans will explore the raw and honest prayers of fear, pain, guilt, and doubt found in the Psalms, teaching us how to share these feelings with the Lord.

Running Your Race on Cold Windy Days
5 Days
Overcoming the hurdle of dry and dusty, distracted days is our topic for this study. These “blah” times come to all believers often causing discouragement and doubts, We will use scripture to assure them that they are not weird or lost but just in a trial or test that God is using to prepare them for something He will work for good in their lives.

5 Days
The concept of time is often challenging for us as human beings due to the way we are naturally wired. It is frequently misunderstood, leading to numerous misconceptions. This plan aims to broaden our understanding of time.

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 5
6 Days
In this plan we will look at Jesus’ teaching on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount. Part five of eight in the "Jesus, I Want to Love You" Series, focusing on knowing and loving Jesus more. These plans can be done in any order. See also "Jesus, I Want to Love You" (companion prayer) by Thistlebend Ministries.

Face To Face Prayer In A Text Messaging World
6 Days
We live in a time when communication is easier than ever before. We can text, email, Facetime, Message or Snapchat. No one person is farther away than your smartphone. But have we lost intimacy to electronics? And have our conversations with God become more impersonal and less earnestly seeking? Read on to discover what happens when we pray wholeheartedly.

Spiritual Transformation, NOT Behavior Manipulation
6 Days
Is God only concerned that I “behave correctly?” Am I “white knuckling” my Christian walk – trying hard to “be good?” That’s manipulating my behavior! God has a better plan than doing it the hard way, on my own. He wants to inwardly transform and grow me. In this devotional we will explore how God’s transforming power enables us to live the abundant Christian life.

How Then, Shall We Pray?
6 Days
Prayer is a mystery. How do we pray? What do we pray for? If God already knows everything, why do we pray? We know prayer is a crucial aspect of the life of a Christian, but it is often a challenge. Going through the example that Jesus gave us in the Lord’s Prayer, we will explore different elements of prayer and discover ways to develop our own prayer life.

Spring Cleaning for Your Heart
6 Days
There’s one spot forgotten on our spring cleaning checklists, and it happens to be the most important: our hearts. It doesn’t matter how clean your house is if your heart is covered in cobwebs. Take a journey with me as we focus on throwing open the windows of our hearts to let in the Light!

Finding Your Fighters: How to Strategically Find Community During Porn Addiction
6 Days
Telling someone about your struggle with porn might be the absolute last thing you want to do. We get it. We’ve been there. We want to help you take a deep breath and redirect your eyes towards Christ. You have fighters out there that you might not even know about. We hope to help you strategically and intentionally find community in the midst of your porn addiction.

Creatures of Habit: Confession
7 Days
We are creatures of habit, and our habits are powerful forces. Habits like confessing, praying, studying the Word of God, and fasting are not just items on a checklist. These habits have the power to change us. In this seven-day reading plan come explore the habit of confession and celebrate the hope that it can bring to our lives!

Psalms: Finding Solid Ground
7 days
The Book of Psalms provides divinely inspired words to help us process our emotions. Its spiritual truths transform feelings of shame into freedom, anxiety into joy, and insecurity into confidence. This 7-day plan will encourage you to ground yourself in God and His Word, in the midst of hard circumstances. Use the audio guide to hear the content read aloud and to listen to a worship song.

Breaking Free From the Power of Shame
7 Days
Shame. That’s a word we’re all too familiar with. During this reading plan, pastor and author of Repurposed Dr. Noe Garcia will walk you through the story of David as an example of how to break free from shame through confession, repentance, and enjoying God’s forgiveness.

7 Soul Questions to a Thriving, Christ-Centered Marriage
7 Days
Discover a thriving, Christ-centered marriage with '7 Soul Questions to a Thriving Marriage' by Austin and Rachel Holt, founders of The Conscious Christian Marriage®. This devotional will help you explore the intangible, soulful connection between you, your spouse, and God through key Scriptures, insights, reflective questions, and opportunities to take action. Experience for yourself how soul questions can lead to powerful change, intimacy, healing, and connection in your marriage.

Learn to Be Alone
7 Days
In our fast-paced, over-inundated society, we struggle with being alone. Most of us can’t bear even the thought. And yet, to embrace who God’s called us to be, we must become comfortable with the discipline of solitude. What we discover in solitude is our most authentic self. And if we can fully embrace who we are, we can step into our God-given purpose.

Stories of Faith and Courage From Firefighters and First Responders
7 Days
Christian firefighters, paramedics, and E.M.T.s never work alone—they have the Lord with them! Written by real-life first responders, this scripturally grounded devotional will leave you feeling comforted and assured of Jesus' faithfulness in every situation—including times of loss and tragedy. This is a powerful daily reminder that God is greater than the enemy of our souls!

7 Days
While we often think of forgiveness as choosing to put aside our resentment and feelings of anger towards someone, or in turn having them do the same for us, the Bible takes us deeper into God’s thoughts on the matter. Follow along with this bible plan to discover why it’s so important, who it is for, and how it benefits you!

Living in God's Presence
10 Days
Being a Christian is about reading your Bible, praying to God, and attending church services, right? Yes, it is, but there is much more. As a Christian, you live coram Deo, before God. You continually live in His presence. You live under His authority and to His glory. This reading plan explains how you can walk with God every day of your life.

Hope for the Incarcerated
14 Days
You may be incarcerated, but you are not forgotten. Here is two weeks' worth of hope, including devotions and encouraging testimonies from former inmates in a reading plan developed by Hope is Alive Ministries, with the assistance of Beth Niestemski, LCSW, former Associate Director of Mental Health for New York City's Rikers Island.

Rebellion Meets Grace — the Story of the Prophet Jonah
17 Days
The book of Jonah is a special Bible book. It is about a prophet who does not want to obey his commission. Jonah knows that God is gracious to people who don’t deserve it, and he does not want God to show mercy to his enemies. This reading plan follows the story about Jonah’s rebellion and God’s undeserved mercy, and searches how these themes are relevant to our lives too.

She Reads Truth: Prayer in the Bible
21 Days
She Reads Truth is an online movement of women committed to daily reading and being changed by God's Word. Each day you can follow the links to our She Reads Truth site to interact with other women, share your thoughts and comments, and be encouraged to keep reading! Please feel free to join us on Instagram and Twitter by using the hashtag #SheReadsTruth to share your daily insights!

The Magnificence Of Christ In The Psalms
30 Days
Each daily devotional has a different name or attribute of God from the Psalms that is ultimately fulfilled in Christ. You will read the Psalm with Christ's name in it, then worship Him and pray for His Lordship of your life based upon His name of the day. Hopefully, this will help you know Christ more and love Him more. All Scripture used is from the NIV Bible.