Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 7:1

Brightly Relating To Others
3 Days
As Christians we often face situations in our relationships with others, whether they are in the faith or not. This reading plan will give you clear guidelines on how to identify problematic people and how to deal in a mature way with them, what to do with those who hurt you and how to handle yourself and manifest Christ in the midst of different situations with wisdom.

Judge Not
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. Who are you judging? Who are you ridiculing? Who are you looking down upon? Consider what you’re sowing into others. Are you sowing discord, confusion, destruction or division? Choose to deliberately sow and show the Love of Christ to others. Choose to sow Love. Let God soften your heart as you read this timely and transformative message.

My Life Is Unmanageable
3 Days
Have you reached a point of emotional brokenness and hidden pain? Are you crying for the Lord to heal you and give you some light of hope? I pray these guided biblical meditations will help you return to sanity by accepting that Christ absorbs your agony and your judgment. He has taken on the full weight of your self-condemnation. He cries your tears, takes your grieving, and brings you peace.

You Are Not the Judge
3 Days
When you judge someone, you are separating yourself from them. You’re putting a dividing line between you and the person you are judging. You are categorizing that person because they don’t meet “your standard” of how someone should act, dress, talk, etc. But who made you the Judge? Click "Start Plan" and learn to see others how God sees them!

Judge Not. Love Lasts Forever.
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely devotional. Choose to Love. Choose to see others through the lens of Christ. Choose to Love instead of criticize. Choose to Love instead of hate. Choose to Love instead of becoming bitter. Choose to Love instead of becoming offended. Choose to Love. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Low Vibes Are Good Vibes
3 Days
There’s a lot of talk these days about vibes. Your vibe has become synonymous with your tribe. We look for people who resonate with us or vibe like we do. We call these our “vibe-tribes.” But did you know that low vibes are good vibes? Life consists of a duality of emotions. Without duality, you can’t truly know what you feel. Discover how to embrace all of your life.

4 Days Toward Redemption
4 Days
A four day devotional focusing on the redemptive power of Jesus and how to not only understand it, but also to truly experience and feel it.

The Golden Rules
4 Days
Our world is full of moral soundbites. At first blush they sound good, but are they biblical? Join us in this Abide plan as we meditate on what God's Word actually says about many of the well known "Golden Rules."

4 Days
Mindfulness is essential for our emotional and spiritual well-being. It isn’t just something we do 15 minutes or 1 hour a day. Temi Michael-O shares practical ways to practice empathy, use it as a tool for comforting the hurting world and strengthening parent-child relationships. You will learn how to be present with God and be purposeful in your actions.

Be the One!
4 Days
Are you wondering how to find the one God wants you to spend your life with? Asking yourself if you would marry yourself, is a good place to start. Are you willing to focus on becoming “the one” in order to find “the one”?

Judgmental Christians
5 Days
As Christians, we unfortunately have a reputation for being judgmental. This video series helps us to lose the negative label and instead, treat others as Jesus did--with grace and truth.

Lies About God
5 Days
This video series discusses five common lies that people believe about God and explains what the Bible really says about him.

Living Life On Mission
5 Days
What does a life on mission look like? Explore the possibilities and adventure of what a life surrendered to Jesus and following the Holy Spirit looks like. This mission, should you choose to accept it, will change the way you live. It’s purposeful and full of life. It means understanding and living out the personal call that God has for you.

Freedom From Sin
5 Days
Everyone makes mistakes. But most people don’t like to call their mistakes “sins,” even though that’s what they are. In this Plan, we’ll learn what sin is, why we do it, and how we can choose to live differently. We can stand on the hope that no matter what we’ve done in our lives, there is no sin we can commit that God won’t forgive.

Godly Judgement
5 Days
Many Believers have bought into the notion that Christian's aren't suppose to exercise judgement. In this plan we meditate on God's Word as it relates to judgement and how to have the mind of Christ.

Dealing With Me
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan is a power-packed boot camp that will help you learn how to deal with yourself. Each day you will read Bible passages that will strengthen your biblical view on marriage, forgiveness, and controlling your tongue. As a bonus, short devotional teachings from Denise Renner are included too. Denise’s loving approach and commitment to Titus 2:3-5 shines through her loving instruction and encouragement in this Plan.

Tough Questions With Pastor Mike, Round 10
5 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers, but be prepared to dig into God's Word too!

I Believe in God, but Christians Are So Intolerant
5 Days
Gallup poll researchers recently asked Americans, “Do you believe in God?” and 87% of the people in our country said yes. But, after settling that big question, the devil is in the details. To be fair, we all have our issues when it comes to faith. We would love for you to join us as we explore some of the most common doubts about Christianity.

The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Be With Me: Five-Day Devotional on God’s Will for Us to Love Each Other
5 Days
Love. God is love. It’s that simple. All He wants is for us to love each other. How do we do this as humans? So much gets in the way—we get in the way. In this 5-day plan, you are taught through God’s own words how much He truly wishes for us to love each other.

Forgiveness: A Healing Virtue
5 Days
Forgiveness is a great virtue, but it is difficult to practise. Thankfully, God has equipped us to be able to forgive! Take the first step to learning how to forgive with this 5-day reading plan.

Judge Jesus’ Way
5 Days
We often hear the words: “Do not judge!” But what did Jesus really say about this? Read this devotional plan to find out.

Weird Ideas: Holy Church
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s, and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.

Relationships the Right Way: The "One Anothers" of Scripture
5 Days
Do you know that there's not just one right way to make chocolate chip cookies? In the same way, there is not only 1 right way to live in relationships with others. BUT there are some ingredients that help to make our relationships sweet and satisfying. Let’s explore those together!

Sermon on the Mount: A Blueprint for Life
5 Days
Perhaps the most famous speech ever given, this relatively small collection has shaped the lives of billions, and in many ways created the world we see around us today. Together we'll look at how Jesus' Sermon can be used as a blueprint for us to live our lives to its absolute fullest.