Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 1:15

The Reflective Christian
3 Days
The Reflective Christian is intended to spark in the reader a desire/habit of loving the Lord with the mind. Christians ought to learn to constantly look at the reality around us through the lens of the Bible. This exercise paves way to transform our mind to gradually conform to the mind of Christ, as we train to reflect on the mundane and the monotonous everyday occurrences in the light of God’s active and unchanging word

The Wisdom of Humility
3 Days
Are you humble? Do you struggle with humility? Why is humility important? These are the questions this series tries to answer.

Being Filled With God's Love
3 Days
Do you ever feel dry, empty, and parched as though you have nothing left to give? The theme of these guided audio meditations is about being filled and quenched by God. Day 1 is about having a heart filled with the hope of God. Day 2 will help you learn to be filled with what is real. And Day 3 is about being filled with the love of God.

Golden Repair
3 Days
Life breaks us all so says Earnest Hemingway, but many are made stronger at the broken places. We will journey together through things in life that can break us and what God does in our brokenness to strengthen us and to bring beauty and joy out of our broken places. We will see what James tells us is the reality of trials, the response we are to have and the result of our response to those trials.

Overcoming Temptation
3 Days
It seems we often want to be delivered from temptation while still keeping close touch with it. Pushing temptation away, just not too far away. Is that you? The theme of these guided audio meditations is how to overcome temptation. Day one is better understanding temptation. Day two is knowing the closeness of God in the midst. And day three is learning to walk again after falling.

Thy Word Have I Hid
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this revolutionary devotional. What’s in the ground of your heart? What’s in the fabric of your heart? What do you choose to treasure? Who do you choose to treasure? Do you treasure God’s Word? Do you value His Word over your cares, concerns, worries and desires? Let God lead your heart as you hide His Word in the fabric of your heart.

Ye Ask Amiss
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers through this life-changing devotional. “Ye Ask Amiss”, was created to examine the soil of your heart. Let God check your heart. Let God’s Word cultivate your heart’s soil as you read through this wisdom packed devotional.

Your Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Ghost.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in the heart transforming devotional. Let When you are in Christ, your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by contaminating your body with the lusts of the flesh. Let the Holy Spirit lead your heart and He will guide you into all truth. Give God access to your heart and He will order your steps.

God Does Not Tempt Man
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. God cannot be tempted with evil — neither does God tempt man. Let no man say when he is tempted that He’s tempted of God. Temptation does not come from God. God does not entice you to sin. Satan lures. The enemy entices. Satan wants to draw you away from communing and connecting with Christ. Surrender to Christ.

Three Sources of Temptation
3 Days
Temptation is not a new question, but rather an old question which is faced across cultures. Tackling temptation will require you to understand the source of your temptation. When one gives in to temptation things can get bad quickly. Join me to explore the 3 sources of temptations singled out by St. Thomas Aquinas as implacable enemies of the soul and develop a strategy to overcome them.

GOD Over Everything - 3-Day Devotional to Stay on Track With GOD
3 Days
Are you struggling to stay on track with GOD? This devotional will help you learn how to live with GOD one decision at a time.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son
3 Days
In this plan we explore the parable of the Prodigal Son. Discover how to find your way back home and learn it’s never too late for a fresh start with God’s unconditional love.

Overcoming Temptation
3 Days
We’ve all fallen victim to temptation's luring power, but being tempted should not be a reason to lose hope in obtaining victory over sin. Encountering temptations is inevitable, but the good news is the Lord is faithful. This plan explores the root causes of temptation to help us submit to God, resist the devil, and overcome habitual sin.

The Pursuit of Pleasure: A Godly Perspective
3 Days
If you’re someone who is plagued with a feeling that something is missing, know you’re not alone. We were created with eternity in mind and the only person who could ever give us the soul satisfaction we yearn for is God.

Decoding And Overcoming Smartphone Addiction
4 Days
This Plan will help you understand the biblical and practical ways to overcome smartphone addiction.

Why We Actually Sin - James 1:14-15
4 Days
For many Christians, the root cause of sin is temptation. We sin because we fell victim to a tempting situation. But where does temptation come from? What lies under every sin we commit? In this series of teaching videos David Bowden explains why every sin actually comes from our desires, lackings, and unbelief.

Overcome Your Temptations
4 Days
In this four-day reading plan on how to overcome your temptations, New York Times Best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson gives insight into aspects of temptation to reveal how to gain victory.

Four Things the Enemy Uses to Delay Your Destiny
4 Days
God's plan for us is to have a life of increase and wholeness and certainly not for harm or destruction. Unfortunately, we have an enemy determined to steal and kill. He will go to great lengths to ensure that we fail, or desensitise us from our intimate relationship with Christ. In this plan, we will look at four strategies that satan uses to derail Christians.

KNOW James
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of James teaches us about growing into maturity in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

James Bible Study
4 Days
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of James for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: 1) Observing the text of James 2) Interpreting its original message to James’ audience in the first century 3) Applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today

Saying No to Sin
4 Days
Are you a born-again Christian? And do you still sin from time to time? You aren’t the only one. But how can you sin if you are born again? How is sinning possible if you have become a new man in Christ? Discover in this plan what old man versus new man means and why sin no longer needs to have dominion in your life.

Give God First Place
5 Days
Giving God first place in our lives is not a one-time event . . . it’s a life-long process for every Christian. Whether you’re new to the faith or a “veteran” follower of Christ, you’ll find this plan to be easy to understand and apply, and a highly effective strategy for victorious Christian living. Taken from the book, “Out of This World: A Christian’s Guide to Growth and Purpose” by David J. Swandt

Why Does Suffering Exist?
5 Days
We all ask the question at some point and in some form: why does suffering exist? We try to comprehend why God would allow it on both a personal level in our trials and on a broader level in war, starvation, and disease. If you've asked this question then this reading plan is for you!

Sin: What Is It And Where Does It Come From?
5 Days
Sexual sin is a specific entanglement within the broader problem of sin. So in this study, we’ll answer the question: What is sin? Like a cracked mirror, sin distorts the beauty of God’s image within us. If we downplay the seriousness of that distorted beauty, we minimize the desperateness of the human situation. And if we minimize the desperateness of the human situation, Christ’s death and Resurrection are rendered meaningless.