Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 6:24

Step Into My Story
3 Days
Pride can get the best of us all. It is the sneakiest temptation we face because it can take over our thoughts without us realizing it is happening. This study digs in to how to recognize that temptation, how to control our thought process, and how to remind ourselves that God is the author and perfecter. In this study, we choose to say, "Jesus, Step into my story."

From Blind Leaders to Faithful Servants
4 Days
Where does our power and motivation as leaders come from? As Christian leaders, we must acknowledge that apart from God, we are nothing. This four-day devotional helps us practice the lifelong exercise of turning from pride to humility, rebellion to obedience, and fear to empowerment, turning our gaze from our earthly Babylons toward the heavenly Jerusalem.

A Life That Glorifies God
4 Days
This plan will encourage the reader to understand the calling for every believer to have a life that glorifies God.

Kids Bible Experience | for Such a Time as This
4 Days
Let’s be honest, sometimes our lives feel like a caffeinated squirrel running through a peanut factory – absolute chaos! But even in the craziness, we can trust that God has placed us where we are for a perfect purpose! Join us as we see this truth play out in the heroic life of Queen Esther.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–10–The Prophets
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the tenth part "The Prophets." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Daniel: Faith in the Face of Challenges
5 Days
This video plan takes a look at the life of Daniel. He is an excellent example of how to stay true to your convictions and your faith even in difficult situations.

You Can Know God
5 Days
Most of us want to know God in a deeper way—to feel His presence, hear His voice and access His power every day. The good news is: He wants that too! He wants to be closer to you, and have a warm, powerful relationship with you. Let these five lessons help you to develop a sweet, satisfying relationship with your Heavenly Father closer than you ever imagined.

Authentic Kingdom Culture: Power!
5 Days
As kingdom people what is our relationship to power? What kind of power do we have and what do we use it for? This plan explores a kingdom perspective of power versus an earthly perspective of power as demonstrated in the biblical account of Daniel.

Living for God in a Godless Society Part 4
5 Days
How do we live as Christ-followers in a world that seems to be spinning out of control? The spiritual resolve of Daniel and his three friends sets an example for us of courage, confidence, and hope for God’s people then and now. Learn from Daniel how to live a life that glorifies and serves God with integrity and spiritual power in a godless society.

Lead With Prayer: Cultivate Personal and Organizational Prayer Habits
5 Days
Jesus proved that prayer and leadership belong together. While many Christian leaders struggle with lackluster prayer lives, others have discovered an intentional prayer life is the nonnegotiable constant of lasting, fruitful Christian life and leadership. In this devotional, we explore the spiritual habits, rhythms, and prayer practices of world-changing leaders to help you cultivate personal and organizational commitments to prayer.

Confidence Is an Inside Job
5 Days
Your best self is inside you—right now, this very minute! You don’t have to care what others think. In these devotionals, confidence coach Ashley Henriott helps you build your confidence from within and walk the path you were called to walk, with your Savior by your side.

Strong Under Pressure: Wisdom From the Book of Daniel
5 Days
How do you hold on to your faith when the world pulls you in different directions? What if your beliefs don’t align with those of culture? In this 5-day Bible Plan, we’ll explore the Book of Daniel and discover how to build the kind of faith that can face anything.

Fasting & Praying - Why & How?
6 Days
This week, we will talk about a subject few enjoy bringing up...fasting! Many people believe it is surely good for others, "but not for me." Let's take a look at what the Bible says about fasting and praying. You will discover practical ways on how to start with something Jesus also did a lot!

Pray First
6 Days
Start your day off on the right foot with the Pray First devotional, based on the Pray First Bible study by Pastor Chris Hodges. Each day, you'll read a passage from the Bible, accompanied by a video teaching from Pastor Chris, thought-provoking reflection and a prayer to guide your own personal conversation with God.

Daniel: A Faithful Young Professional
7 Days
How can young Christian professionals build a career - and excel in a competitive business environment - if the secret of their success is their personal religious conviction and their relationship with God? We read about this in the story of Daniel and in the narrative relating the experiences of the present author, Wouter Droppers.

7 Days
Have you ever been typing and wished you knew faster ways to complete certain tasks? Throughout this series, we are going to teach you a few computer shortcuts with spiritual principles from God’s Word connected to them that you can apply to your life. Join us for seven days of learning spiritual shortcuts!

The Remnant
7 Days
God always preserves a remnant of true believers in an unbelieving world. They are his faithful witnesses who stand against the world’s systems, fleshly appetites, and devilish schemes. Often they stand alone facing floods, fires, lions, and giants, in order to faithfully follow God. In this seven-day plan, reconsider some of your favorite biblical stories through the eyes of the believing and courageous remnant.

Working for God's Glory
7 Days
This devotional for men will examine how to glorify our Father through our careers and work, exploring multiple biblical principles to help you work for God’s glory, whatever your job and circumstances. Written by Jacques Van Dyk.

Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 5 Courageous!
7 Days
There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient -love is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.

Confidence: A Devotional From Sanctus Real
8 Days
Confidence is an 8-day journey with Sanctus Real on facing the giants of our lives. Our lives can feel overwhelming; uncertainty stalks at every turner. But we have something greater than these moments of fear: rather, we have some One! Our confidence is not in the systems that surround and govern our lives. Our Confidence is in Jesus and His promise that He is always with us.

Fast Like Daniel (10-Day)
10 Days
For anyone who wants to make room for God but hates fasting, I have just the thing for you—a 10-day reading plan based on the book, Fast Like Daniel! The Daniel Fast CHANGED MY LIFE, and I’ve watched everyone who has really engaged in this fast receive something great from God! Get ready to plug into Him and watch God create life change!

Expansion: Your Kingdom Come
11 Days
Expansion is a season where you will be encouraged to enlarge your faith, generosity, and belief for greater things in your life and those around you. The theme of Expansion 2023 is 'Your Kingdom Come,' based on the Lord's Prayer. This reading plan explores ideas and challenges we may face as we lean into this season. This month, stop, sit, read, meditate, pray, and act.

Against the Flow: Holiness in a Hostile World
12 Days
Going against the flow is uncomfortable. If given the choice, most of us prefer to go with the flow and to conform. However, Christianity calls us to resist the pull of the world and live out our faith unapologetically. How can we do so? Journey with us in this twelve-day devotional from Daniel 1 to 6 and learn how we can live a holy life in a hostile world.

Ancient of Days: A Study in Daniel
13 Days
The book of Daniel chronicles the stories and visions of the exiled prophet during his life in Babylon. Although faced with devastating exile, the characters of Daniel choose to be faithful to God no matter the cost. Daniel’s life and visions remind us that God Himself orders peoples, nations, and history, orchestrating His people’s redemption and His imminent return.

Daniel Book Study - TheStory
14 Days
Study the book of Daniel with theStory. There is nothing quite like the book of Daniel anywhere else in the Bible. Half of it is taken up with stories about Jews in Babylonian and Persian courts, the other half with dreams and visions. This 2 week Book Study of Daniel covers chapters 1-9 (the last 3 chapters are really hard for devotional reflection - but you’ll see on day 14 we give suggestions for further study).