Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 5:5

Time to Change
3 Days
The only constant thing in our lives is change, yet we seem to be afraid of it. It's impossible to say that we love and know God and, at the same time, staying the same; making the same mistakes and wasting opportunities to improve. In this plan I'll show you three stories of people who had the option to change their lives and what their endings were.

From Blind Leaders to Faithful Servants
4 Days
Where does our power and motivation as leaders come from? As Christian leaders, we must acknowledge that apart from God, we are nothing. This four-day devotional helps us practice the lifelong exercise of turning from pride to humility, rebellion to obedience, and fear to empowerment, turning our gaze from our earthly Babylons toward the heavenly Jerusalem.

Daniel: Faith in the Face of Challenges
5 Days
This video plan takes a look at the life of Daniel. He is an excellent example of how to stay true to your convictions and your faith even in difficult situations.

When You're Not Excited to Read the Bible
5 Days
Maybe you’ve said this before, “I’m just not excited to read the Bible.” You are not alone. It’s one of the most popular reasons people give for not reading God’s Word. This study from Erica Parkerson of The Bible for Busy People podcast from Purposely will help you overcome that as we look at some very surprising Bible stories.

Heaven Rules
10 Days
Do you truly believe God is in control of everything? Do you live as though you believe it? In this 10-day devotional, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth gives you glimpses of the life of Daniel and what it means to trust that “Heaven rules.” Discover the comfort and courage found when you live under the promise that God is in control.

Against the Flow: Holiness in a Hostile World
12 Days
Going against the flow is uncomfortable. If given the choice, most of us prefer to go with the flow and to conform. However, Christianity calls us to resist the pull of the world and live out our faith unapologetically. How can we do so? Journey with us in this twelve-day devotional from Daniel 1 to 6 and learn how we can live a holy life in a hostile world.

Ancient of Days: A Study in Daniel
13 Days
The book of Daniel chronicles the stories and visions of the exiled prophet during his life in Babylon. Although faced with devastating exile, the characters of Daniel choose to be faithful to God no matter the cost. Daniel’s life and visions remind us that God Himself orders peoples, nations, and history, orchestrating His people’s redemption and His imminent return.

Daniel Book Study - TheStory
14 Days
Study the book of Daniel with theStory. There is nothing quite like the book of Daniel anywhere else in the Bible. Half of it is taken up with stories about Jews in Babylonian and Persian courts, the other half with dreams and visions. This 2 week Book Study of Daniel covers chapters 1-9 (the last 3 chapters are really hard for devotional reflection - but you’ll see on day 14 we give suggestions for further study).

Daniel P2: Serving Only God
20 Days
In this Part 2 of Daniel, we continue to see him live following the One True God as an alien and foreigner in Babylon. As we read his story, we can learn how we too can follow well in our own context. Let's be challenged together by this Godly man.