Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Acts 16:12

Living a Righteous Life in God
3 Days
This plan will help to remind us to have a righteous life in God

Partnering with Christ
3 Days
The very essence of our existence is that we were created for God. That is why we feel most accomplished, happy, and fulfilled when we are in the center of His will, doing what He created us for. To do this, we need His sense of direction. What should our daily endeavor aim toward? In this first chapter of Philippians, we find a dependable compass to follow. Ready?

Greatness of God's Church: Hope Singapore
5 Days
The Church of Jesus Christ is the institution that God has chosen to fulfill His plan on earth. This is the third part of the 3-part series devotion on the Bible-revealed Greatness of God and His Plan. While the first part focus on certain aspects of the Greatness of God, the second part on the Greatness of Jesus, this last part focuses on the call of the Church of Jesus. May this devotion bless you and refresh you in the Lord.

5 Days
If you were sitting in a prison--a dungeon--charged with a crime that you did not commit, what would you put in a letter to your friends? Paul's letter to the Philippian church reveals a man filled with joy--even while sitting in a Roman prison. Philippians is a powerhouse of courage and joy in the face of hard trials. Join Kris Langham as he guides you through the book of Philippians.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–16–The Travels Of Paul
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the sixteenth part "The Travels of Paul." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia Laird
5 Days
In this broken world, suffering is no stranger to any of us… You may be facing a storm right now that has you feeling hopeless, but thank God that our feelings do not determine His faithfulness! He sees you. He cares. He’s able. I hope by the end of this devotional, you are reminded where your peace is found as you give Him your “Hallelujah Even Here.” 🖤 -Lydia Laird

Women Working Boldly: A Study of Lydia in Acts 16
5 Days
This devotional explores the life, faith, work, and legacy of Lydia of Philippi. Lydia’s resume includes: first person in Europe to place their faith in Christ; co-founder of the Philippian church with Paul; host of the growing home church; Paul’s co-worker in spreading the Gospel; and successful businesswoman trading in luxury goods. Lydia’s story reveals God’s desire to use the passions, gifting, and experience of women in their daily workplaces.

Wildflowers: Lydia the Aster
5 Days
In this four-part devotional, Lenya Heitzig pairs women of the New Testament with the wildflowers they represent. Like the star-shaped aster, Lydia spreads beauty and grace throughout her community. Lydia the Aster, is a five-day reading plan about a savvy businesswoman who didn't shy away from publicly proclaiming her faith.

Man on a Mission: A 5-Day Journey With Jesus Through Mark 5–7
5 Days
In Mark 5–7, we see Jesus and the disciples “zig-zagging” back and forth across Lake Galilee. The disciples must have felt disoriented with all the movement, but Jesus was clearly in charge of their itinerary. He seems to be on a purposeful mission, and none of his encounters with people are accidental or unanticipated. This five-day series will explore some encounters, particularly Jesus’ missional words and actions.

Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spirit
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan, anchored in Jesus' promise of 'power from on high' for His followers. Delve into key moments where the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles, breaks barriers, and confirms that Jesus Christ is Lord. Learn how mission and the Kingdom's advance rely on the Spirit's dynamic power, and find practical applications for your own faith journey.

Exploring the Book of Acts: Workplace as Mission
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan and gain a fresh perspective on persecution in the New Testament. Discover how early Christians integrated work with gospel witness. From Paul's tentmaking to Tabitha's weaving, learn how diverse occupations contributed to the church's growth. This journey encourages you to see your own vocation as a vital part of your ministry and spiritual life.

Making Your Faith Public
7 Days
An anonymous quotation says, "He died in public for you. Why would you live your Christian life in private?" A genuine transformation almost always follows a public testimony, whether to one or two, perhaps a group of people. It's like discovering a cure for a dreaded disease, you just don't keep it to yourself. Make your faith public!

To Live Is Christ by Matt Chandler
7 Days
Taken from his book "To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain," best-selling author Matt Chandler goes through the often quoted book of Philippians, speaking on Christian living, developing a deeper maturity in Christ, and coming to a truly vibrant faith.

The Book Of Acts
7 Days
The Book of Acts, also called "The Acts of the Apostles," is the companion volume to the Gospel of Luke. This reading plan explores the major concepts that Luke addressed as he unfolded the unhindered spread of the gospel of God's kingdom in the days of the early church.

The Untold Stories Of Women And The Church
7 Days
Good stories can encourage you, challenge you, and move you. And stumbling onto an incredible story you’ve never heard before can turn your whole world upside down (in the best way). There are endless stories of God working through surprising people in unexpected ways, and that same God is authoring your story, too. Interested in reading a few untold stories? This Bible Plan is for you!

Philippians: Living for What Really Matters
7 Days
Meaningful struggle (not pointless hustle) can lead us to growth and joy. Paul understood hustle and struggle, but still helped the Philippians live in authenticity, unity, and community. We might feel that life is trying to bury us… but each of us is a seed. And in this 7-day journey through Philippians, we’ll see how we can grow deep roots and blossom by finding the meaning in our struggle.

Are We There Yet?
7 Days
Are you in a season of waiting at the moment? Do you feel like asking God, “How much longer, Lord? Are we there yet?” In this Plan, we will explore some landmarks to look for along the way. I hope these checkpoints will give you hope as you find meaning in your waiting.

How to Share Your Faith
7 Days
In this devotional for men, we'll take a good, hard, and very practical look at how we can get better at sharing Jesus with others! Written by Tim Pippus of Hope for Life Christian Fellowship.

ACTS Zúme Accountability Group
10 Days
We all know that we should read our Bible, pray, and be the church, but what if we actually started doing that? Zúme Accountability Groups are small groups of 2 to 4 people that don’t just want to be hearers of the word, but doers! If you want simple and practical “HOW TO” steps to be and do what Jesus called, commanded, and created us for then start this plan.

Summoned: Answering a Call to the Impossible
10 Days
Brokenness is everywhere and has touched everything. As women, we often feel lost and overwhelmed in seasons of waiting or in times of longing. We remained chained to the past or poor choices. However, it is time for us to reclaim our identity in the God of Heaven and walk in faith with Him by studying His word, specifically now the in book of Esther.

Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude
12 Days
Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly learned about herself. Michelle McKinney Hammond shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Now Hope
13 Days
Faith, hope and love, they always seem to go together. We hear lots about faith and love, but what about hope - the link which holds this chain together? While the world’s understanding of ‘hope’ is something insubstantial, the Bible’s descriptions of it – hope as an anchor, hope as a helmet – are anything but! Decide to activate hope today and discover how it leads you into God’s tomorrow.

Why Go to Church?
13 Days
“I believe in God in my own way, I don’t need a church. Can’t I just worship God in the comfort of my own home or out in nature?” These thoughts are common in our modern world. But there is blessing being part of the body of Christ; join us and explore some reasons why Christians should definitely be joined to a community of believers.