Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 2 Thessalonians 3:4
Stand Firm: A Study in 2 Thessalonians
3 Days
Written shortly after 1 Thessalonians, Paul’s second letter continues to encourage the Thessalonian church by admonishing them to stand firm on the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:15). As Paul instructs the church about the coming of Christ, we are reminded to be made worthy of God’s calling and fulfill all the good works of faith.
3-Line Motto for Christian Living at Home & Work
3 Days
As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus, and to live our faith in all that we do. In this short & simple devotional, we uncover a 3-line motto that is equally useful in our home and work lives to help us stay on track as Christ-followers. Dig in and make this motto your slogan too!
2 Thessalonians
3 Days
This plan offers a 3-day journey through the book of 2 Thessalonians, making it ideal for both individual and group study.
2 Thessalonians: A 5-Day Reading Plan
5 Days
Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica to clear up confusion circulating about Jesus’ return. In a previous letter, Paul had said Jesus’ return was imminent. Some in the church took that to mean Jesus was coming back immediately. Paul corrects them and instructs the church on how to live in the meantime. Reading this study, you’ll face the reality of Jesus’ return and our responsibility to live for him.
Fully Loved: Seeing Yourself the Way God Does
5 Days
Do you ever wish you were a different version of yourself? Or long for a version of you from the past—full of potential? Let God open your eyes to see how He sees you—fully loved and fully known. Discover the key to acceptance and inner peace in this five-day plan.
While We Wait - a Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians
5 Days
Waiting is hard for everyone. In 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Paul addresses a community restless for Jesus' return. But he doesn't tell the church when Jesus will be back. Instead, he offers guidance on how to make the most of our time on earth while waiting for his return.
6 Prayers for Engaged Couples
6 Days
What one thing makes the most difference in a marriage? Consistently praying together. Over our 52 years of marriage, Nancy and I have consistently prayed together, and it has made all the difference. This plan gives you simple prayers to pray together with your soon-to-be spouse, and helps you begin the habit of praying together. You’ll be amazed how God shows up! - Dr. Kim Kimberling
Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!
7 Days
Do you believe the gospel? Do you know the gospel? Do you feel prepared to share the gospel? This plan from Thistlebend helps us think through these things and gets us ready to share the gospel while trusting in God's power and love for the lost. Note: The video content is not a duplication of the written content.
Discovering the Names of God
7 Days
This week, I invite you to discover (or rediscover) several names of God. Together we’ll see what they teach us about our incredibly marvelous God! I am sure that you’ll be blessed by what we discover this week.
How Holy Spirit Mends Your Broken Heart
7 Days
Feel God's arm around your shoulders as you read this 7 day plan which speaks to our brokenness, fear, and worry about our futures. The truth is God wants to carry these weights for us and replace them with something so much better - his love and perfect peace. May you be relieved of your burdens as you journey through the week.
Purpose and Peace in the Last Days
7 Days
Every Christian generation since the early church has wondered, "When will Jesus return to earth?" God hasn’t revealed that knowledge, but the fact is the return of Christ could be any day. This 7-day reading plan from Pastor Jeff Schreve will encourage you and guide your heart to Christ, helping you live on mission, ready for the last days – whenever they come.
Your Parents Weren't Perfect...But God Is!
7 Days
No one this side of heaven is perfect so it shouldn't surprise us that our parents aren't perfect. When we become adults, reflecting on how they fell short can be painful. The good news? We have a perfect parent in God and he wants to heal our hurts. Enjoy this 7 day plan as you receive God's good, perfect love.
How to Pray for Missionaries
14 Days
We all know we should pray for missionaries but how do we do it? In this Bible Plan, using only the teaching of Jesus and the writings of Paul, Australian author and teacher Dr Barry Chant reveals vital principles and practices on this important topic. This Bible Plan is ideal for either individual or small group use. And watch for the Ropeholders poem.
The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"
14 Days
Some people joke that they’d rather be in hell drinking with their buddies than in heaven with stuffy saints. But these people are completely blind to its reality and meaning. Hell is real, and we’d better take it seriously. The Bible does not describe hell to scare us, but to warn us. And that is also the purpose of this reading plan!
Married Couples: 16-Day Prayer Challenge
16 Days
This 16-day prayer challenge invites couples to read through 1 Corinthians 13, as well as other key passages, and pray over their spouse!
Belmont University Advent Guide
28 Days
This Advent Guide comes from students, faculty, and staff at Belmont University. Advent is that season of waiting that carefully and purposefully helps us to realign our priorities and to glimpse, anew, our place before God. Our humble hope is this guide helps people focus more fully on Jesus Christ through the Advent season.
Philippians - Living in the Word
30 Days
Beginning with Philippians, Paul gives insight into his personal experiences, including his ability to be content in both abundance and lack. Then, in Colossians, Paul focuses on the supremacy of Christ, showcasing His sovereignty in the physical and spiritual realms. Finally, in 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Paul writes to honor and congratulate the Christians in Thessalonica for their faith and growth in the face of intense persecution.
The Letters Continued - 1& 2 Thessalonians | Philippians | James | Jude
30 Days
The New Testament is full of letters written by the Apostle Paul and fellow believers. In this study we will delve into a number of these letters to deeply explore practical wisdom, encouragement, and unwavering faith. These letters will challenge, encourage, and transform us as we seek to apply the timeless truths to our own lives. Join us as we journey through these letters.
Daily Bible Reading – July 2021, God’s Word of Faith
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Faith.”
New Testament in a Year: January
31 Days
This is part of a series that will take you through the entire New Testament in a year. Each month's plan covers a specific book(s). January completes Matthew, then focuses on Ephesians, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and 2 and 3 John. The plan is designed to be used with a small group of friends. Read the daily passage first, reflect on one or more questions, and try the engagement practice.
Daily Bible Reading – August 2023, God’s Saving Word: Encouragement
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Saving Word: Encouragement.” [Note: Scriptures are quoted in the GNT.]