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Fearless: A Six-Week Journey

88日中 48日

WEEK 4: GOING UP THE MOUNTAIN THE WATER OF HIS WORD Read Luke 6:12. How much time did Jesus spend in prayer? How much time do you spend in prayer? Who do you pray for? Do you need to revise, update, or create a prayer list? Would one list be best or one for each day of the week? WALK ON TRUTH Consider the Scriptures you would want to pray for yourself, your family, your spouse, your children, your friends, your co-workers. Who needs to hear the gospel? Who needs to SEE the Gospel? Who do you need to reach out to? Prayer lays the groundwork for the gospel. Write out a prayer list if you don’t already have one and pray through it today. FOCUS THE EYES OF YOUR HEART Quietly recite today’s focus verses to yourself. Hide them in your heart, meditate on them, and make them your prayer throughout the day. Deuteronomy 6:4-6 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
Day 47Day 49


Fearless: A Six-Week Journey



このプランを提供してくださったThistlebend Ministriesと、著者であるLaurie Aker氏に感謝を申し上げます。詳細は、www.thistlebendcottage.org からご覧いただけます下さい。