Isaiah 1:21-31

Isaiah 1:21-31 The Message (MSG)

Oh! Can you believe it? The chaste city has become a whore! She was once all justice, everyone living as good neighbors, And now they’re all at one another’s throats. Your coins are all counterfeits. Your wine is watered down. Your leaders are turncoats who keep company with crooks. They sell themselves to the highest bidder and grab anything not nailed down. They never stand up for the homeless, never stick up for the defenseless. This Decree, therefore, of the Master, GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies, the Strong One of Israel: “This is it! I’ll get my oppressors off my back. I’ll get back at my enemies. I’ll give you the back of my hand, purge the junk from your life, clean you up. I’ll set honest judges and wise counselors among you just like it was back in the beginning. Then you’ll be renamed City-That-Treats-People-Right, the True-Blue City.” GOD’s right ways will put Zion right again. GOD’s right actions will restore her prodigals. But it’s curtains for rebels and GOD-traitors, a dead end for those who walk out on GOD. “Your dalliances in those oak grove shrines will leave you looking mighty foolish, All that fooling around in god and goddess gardens that you thought was the latest thing. You’ll end up like an oak tree with all its leaves falling off, Like an unwatered garden, withered and brown. ‘The Strong Man’ will turn out to be dead bark and twigs, and his ‘work,’ the spark that starts the fire That exposes man and work both as nothing but cinders and smoke.”

Isaiah 1:21-31 New Century Version (NCV)

The city of Jerusalem once followed the LORD, but she is no longer loyal to him. She used to be filled with fairness; people there lived the way God wanted. But now, murderers live there. Jerusalem, you have become like the scum left when silver is purified; you are like wine mixed with water. Your rulers are rebels and friends of thieves. They all accept money for doing wrong, and they are paid to cheat people. They don’t seek justice for the orphans or listen to the widows’ needs. So the Lord GOD All-Powerful, the Mighty One of Israel, says: “You, my enemies, will not cause me any more trouble. I will pay you back for what you did. I will turn against you and clean away all your wrongs as if with soap; I will take all the worthless things out of you. I will bring back judges as you had long ago; your counselors will be like those you had in the beginning. Then you will be called the City That Is Right with God, the Loyal City.” By doing what is fair, Jerusalem will be free again. By doing what is right, her people who come back to the LORD will have freedom. But sinners and those who turn against him will be destroyed; those who have left the LORD will die. “You will be ashamed, because you have worshiped gods under the oak trees. You will be disgraced, because you have worshiped idols in your gardens. You will be like an oak whose leaves are dying or like a garden without water. Powerful people will be like small, dry pieces of wood, and their works will be like sparks. They will burn together, and no one will be able to put out that fire.”

Isaiah 1:21-31 Amplified Bible (AMP)

¶How the faithful city has become a prostitute [idolatrous, despicable], She who was full of justice! Right standing with God once lodged in her, But now murderers. Your silver has turned to lead, Your wine is diluted with water. Your rulers are rebels And companions of thieves; Everyone loves bribes And chases after gifts. They do not defend the fatherless, Nor does the widow’s cause come before them [instead they delay or turn a deaf ear]. ¶Therefore the Lord GOD of hosts, The Mighty One of Israel, declares: “Ah, I will be freed of My adversaries And avenge Myself on My enemies. “And I will turn My hand against you, And will [thoroughly] purge away your dross as with lye And remove all your tin (impurity). “Then I will restore your judges as at the first, And your counselors as at the beginning; Afterward you will be called the city of righteousness, The faithful city.” ¶Zion will be redeemed with justice And her repentant ones with righteousness. But rebels and sinners will be crushed and destroyed together, And those who abandon (turn away from) the LORD will be consumed (perish). For you will be ashamed [of the degradation] of the oaks in which you took [idolatrous] pleasure, And you will be ashamed of the gardens [of passion] which you have chosen [for pagan worship]. For you will be like an oak whose leaf withers and dies And like a garden that has no water. The strong man will become tinder, And his work a spark. So both will burn together And there will be none to quench them.

Isaiah 1:21-31 New Living Translation (NLT)

See how Jerusalem, once so faithful, has become a prostitute. Once the home of justice and righteousness, she is now filled with murderers. Once like pure silver, you have become like worthless slag. Once so pure, you are now like watered-down wine. Your leaders are rebels, the companions of thieves. All of them love bribes and demand payoffs, but they refuse to defend the cause of orphans or fight for the rights of widows. Therefore, the Lord, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, the Mighty One of Israel, says, “I will take revenge on my enemies and pay back my foes! I will raise my fist against you. I will melt you down and skim off your slag. I will remove all your impurities. Then I will give you good judges again and wise counselors like you used to have. Then Jerusalem will again be called the Home of Justice and the Faithful City.” Zion will be restored by justice; those who repent will be revived by righteousness. But rebels and sinners will be completely destroyed, and those who desert the LORD will be consumed. You will be ashamed of your idol worship in groves of sacred oaks. You will blush because you worshiped in gardens dedicated to idols. You will be like a great tree with withered leaves, like a garden without water. The strongest among you will disappear like straw; their evil deeds will be the spark that sets it on fire. They and their evil works will burn up together, and no one will be able to put out the fire.

Isaiah 1:21-31 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Look how the once faithful city has become as unfaithful as a prostitute! She who was once the “Center of Justice,” where righteousness made its home, is now the dwelling place of murderers! She was once like sterling silver, now only mixture; once so pure, now diluted like watered-down wine. Your rulers are rebellious and companions of crooks. They are self-centered racketeers who love a bribe and who chase after payoffs. They don’t defend the fatherless or consider the rights of a helpless widow. Therefore, here is what the Sovereign One, the Lord God of Angel Armies, the Mighty One of Israel, decrees: “Ah, I will get relief from my adversaries and avenge myself on my foes! I will put my fiery hand upon you and purify you with fire into something clean.” “I will restore deliverers as in former times and your wise counselors as at the beginning. Only then will you be called the Righteous City and the Faithful City!” Yes, Zion will be redeemed with justice and her repentant converts with righteousness. There will be a shattering of rebels and sinners together, and those who forsake the Lord will be consumed. You will reap shame from the idols you once delighted in and you will be humiliated by your cultic sacred groves, where you chose to worship. You will be like an oak tree with faded, fallen leaves and like a withered, waterless garden. The “powerful elite” will become like kindling and their evil deeds like sparks—both will burn together and no one will be able to put out the fire.