Psalms 68:19-35

Psalms 68:19-35 TPT

What a glorious God! He gives us salvation over and over, then daily he carries our burdens! Pause in his presence Our God is a mighty God who saves us over and over! For the Lord, YAHWEH, rescues us from the ways of death many times. But he will crush every enemy, shattering their strength. He will make heads roll for they refuse to repent of their stubborn, sinful ways. I hear the Lord God saying to all the enemies of his people, “You’d better come out of your hiding places, all of you who are doing your best to stay far away from me. Don’t you know there’s no place to hide? For my people will be the conquerors; they will soon have you under their feet. They will crush you until there is nothing left!” O God, my King, your triumphal processions keep moving onward in holiness; you’re moving onward toward the Holy Place! Leaders in front, then musicians, with young maidens in between, striking their tambourines. And they sing, “Let all God’s princely people rejoice! Let all the congregations bring their blessing to God, saying, ‘The Lord of the fountain! The Lord of the fountain of life! The Lord of the fountain of Israel!’ ” Astonishingly, it’s the favored youth leading the way: princes of praise in their royal robes and exalted princes are among them, along with princes who have wrestled with God. Display your strength, God, and we’ll be strong! For your miracles have made us who we are. Lord, do it again and parade from your temple your mighty power. By your command even kings will bring gifts to you. God, rebuke the beast-life that hides within us! Rebuke those who claim to be “strong ones,” who lurk within the congregation and abuse the people out of their love for money. God scatters the people who are spoiling for a fight. Africa will send her noble envoys to you, O God. They will come running, stretching out their hands in love to you. Let all the nations of the earth sing songs of praise to Almighty God! Go ahead, all you nations—sing your praise to the Lord! Pause in his presence Make music for the one who strides the ancient skies. Listen to his thunderous voice of might split open the heavens. Give it up for God, for he alone has all the strength and power! Proclaim his majesty! For his glory shines down on Israel. His mighty strength soars in the clouds of glory. God, we are consumed with awe, trembling before you as your glory streams from your Holy Place. The God of power shares his mighty strength with Israel and with all his people. God, we give our highest praise to you!