Judges 5:1-12

Judges 5:1-12 TPT

Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this victory song: Blessings be to YAHWEH, who gave us victory today! For the people answered the call, and Israel threw off what once held us back. Listen, you kings! Open your ears, you princes! For I will sing a song to YAHWEH. I will make music to YAHWEH, the God of Israel. YAHWEH, when you advanced from Seir, and when you marched from Edom’s plains, the earth trembled, the sky poured, the clouds burst, and the mountains melted, in the presence of YAHWEH, the Glorious One of Sinai, in the presence of YAHWEH, the God of Israel! In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, and in the days of Jael, no one felt safe; the roads were deserted, and those who dared to travel took back roads. Champions were hard to find — hard to find in Israel, until I, Deborah, took a stand! I arose as a mother in Israel! The Israelites chose new gods, which brought war into the land. Of forty thousand men in Israel, not a shield or spear was seen. My heart is with Israel’s princes, with the people who gladly volunteered. Praise YAHWEH! Declare it, you rich who ride on your white donkeys, sitting on your fancy saddles! Declare it, you poor who must walk wherever you go! Listen to the sound of singers at the well, as they proclaim the victories of YAHWEH, the righteous triumph of his villagers in Israel! Then the people of YAHWEH marched out from their city gates! Lead on, O Deborah, lead on! Awake, awake! Break out in a song! Arise, O Barak, arise! Son of Abinoam, arise! Carry off your captives and lead them all away!