Isaiah 9:8-21

Isaiah 9:8-21 TPT

The Lord decreed a word against Jacob, and it brought calamity upon Israel. And all the people of Ephraim and Samaria knew of it. Their hearts filled with pride and they arrogantly boasted, “Our brick walls may have crumbled, but we will rebuild them with dressed stones. Invading armies may have cut down our sycamore trees, but we will plant cedars in their place!” So the Lord YAHWEH stirred up their enemies and strengthened Rezin’s foes, and they came against the people. Syrians on the east, Philistines on the west—they came with bared teeth and devoured Israel. Yet despite all this, his anger did not subside, and his hand of judgment is poised to strike them again. For the people did not repent and turn to the one who struck them or seek the Lord YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies. In a single day, the Lord YAHWEH cut off from Israel both head and tail, palm branch and reed. The elders and dignitaries are the head, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail. The leaders have led them astray, and the citizens are left in confusion. That is why the Lord did not show pity to the young people or have compassion on their orphans and widows. For everyone was godless and did evil and each mouth spewed out wickedness. Therefore, the Lord’s anger has not subsided, and his hand is poised to strike them again. Surely wickedness burned like an out-of-control fire, consuming thorns and thistles. It set ablaze the thickets of the forest with flames swirling upward in columns of smoke. The land was scorched because of the anger of the Lord YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies. The people themselves became fuel for the fire, and no one showed compassion toward another. With their right hands they snatched what belonged to others, yet remained hungry. With their left hands they stole food, yet they were starving and even ate their own offspring! Manasseh devoured Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh, and together they turned against Judah. Yet despite all this, the Lord’s anger has not subsided, and his hand is poised to strike them again.