Isaiah 44:24-28

Isaiah 44:24-28 TPT

Here is what YAHWEH, your Kinsman-Redeemer, who formed you in his womb, has to say: “I am YAHWEH, Creator of all. I alone stretched out the canvas of the cosmos. I who shaped the earth needed no one’s help. Now I make fools of fortune-tellers and frustrate astrologers’ predictions. I confuse the wise, who think they know it all, and make their ‘knowledge’ into foolishness. I confirm the word of my servants and fulfill the prophecies of my messengers. I say to Jerusalem, ‘Many people will live in you again,’ and to the cities of Judah, ‘I will raise up your ruins; you will be rebuilt!’ I say to deep waters, ‘Dry up!’ and to rivers, ‘Become dry!’ I say concerning Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, and he will carry out all the purposes I have for him,’ saying to Jerusalem, ‘You will be rebuilt and flourish again!’ saying to the temple, ‘You will be reconstructed!’ ”