Ezekiel 34:15-20

Ezekiel 34:15-20 TPT

I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I will give them rest. I will seek out the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the injured, and heal those that are sick. I will watch over the fat and healthy of the flock. I will be a true, caring shepherd to them. I, Lord YAHWEH, have spoken. “ ‘As for you, my sheep, Lord YAHWEH says to you: I am the one who judges between one sheep and the other, between rams and billy goats. Since you’re not satisfied with feeding from the best pastures, you also trample down the rest of the grass. You’re not satisfied to drink the clean water; must you also muddy up the rest of the water with your feet? Is it right that my sheep have to eat what you have walked all over? Is it right that they must drink muddy water because of your trampling feet? Therefore, Lord YAHWEH says this: I am the one who judges between the strong sheep and the weak.