Isaiah 57:15-21

Isaiah 57:15-21 NCV

And this is the reason: God lives forever and is holy. He is high and lifted up. He says, “I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are sad and humble. I give new life to those who are humble and to those whose hearts are broken. I will not accuse forever, nor will I always be angry, because then human life would grow weak. Human beings, whom I created, would die. I was angry because they were dishonest in order to make money. I punished them and turned away from them in anger, but they continued to do evil. I have seen what they have done, but I will heal them. I will guide them and comfort them and those who felt sad for them. They will all praise me. I will give peace, real peace, to those far and near, and I will heal them,” says the LORD. But evil people are like the angry sea, which cannot rest, whose waves toss up waste and mud. “There is no peace for evil people,” says my God.