Luik 24:49
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Noo, lïsten tae me, A wull senn upon yis tha gift ma Faither promist. But yous ir tae stap here, ïn Jerusalem, tae yis ir claithed wi pooer frae abain.”
Bera saman
Njòttu Luik 24:49
Luik 24:6
[He's no here, he's ris!] Dae yis no mine hoo he taakt tae yis bak ïn Galilee
Njòttu Luik 24:6
Luik 24:31-32
An aa o a suddent thair een wus apent, an the' kent wha he wus, an wi that Jesus wus nae mair tae bi saen! The' saed tae yin anither, “Dïd ït no set oor hairts a-low, whan he taakt tae iz on tha róad, an apent up tha Scrïptures tae iz?”
Njòttu Luik 24:31-32
Luik 24:46-47
sayin tae thaim, “It's writ doon that tha Christ maun suffer, he maun dee an rise frae tha deid tha thurd day; an that wi ma thortie yis ir tae praich thïs message tae aa nations: ‘Repent o yer sïns, an God wull forgie yis.’ Yis ir tae stairt frae Jerusalem.
Njòttu Luik 24:46-47
Luik 24:2-3
An the' fun tha stane rowlt awa frae tha tomb. The' went ïn, but tha bodie o tha Loard Jesus wus naewhar tae be saen.
Njòttu Luik 24:2-3